Is this malicious? Probably, the gringo real estate people are freaked out because the white people are never coming back and they are not buying condos. That's not my fault, but they need a target. Oh right, I almost forgot, and Linton Robinson aka "Fulano" who is determined to destroy me. Wow Fulano, guess business is not doing so good in the Zona Norte, you might want to share this link with your Tijuana Amigos buddies:
BC, lider en casos de sifilis en el pais
UPDATE/EDIT 10/12: U.S. suspending deportations to Haiti or to continue forced repatriation procedures ?
- Early this morning Democracy Now ! reported that the United States is suspending deportations to Haiti in light of Hurricane Matthew:
Democracy Now !
Emails: Clinton State Department Prioritized "Friends of Bill" in 2010 Haiti Earthquake Contracts
October 12, 2016|Headlines
- 2:30 this afternoon The Los Angeles Times reports that "...the United States is temporarily suspending deportations of Haitians after Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc on the Caribbean island."
Los Angeles Times
U.S. Suspends deportations to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew
by, Kate Linthicum
But with this caveat at the end of the article:
"...Johnson’s statement Wednesday seemed designed to dissuade more from coming.
“This should be clear: The policy change I announced on Sept. 22 remains in effect, for now and in the future,” he said. “DHS intends to resume those flights as soon as possible.” "
5:02 pm this afternoon Uniradio reports that according to Enrique Morones, Presidente of Los Angeles de Frontera most of the Haitian migrantes who arrived in Tijuana requesting political asylum in the U.S. have been rejected with the few who managed to cross the border later deported. He said the U.S. authorities have already announced that they will intensify their measures giving the example that even children have been deported. According to Sr. Morones, 5,000 have already crossed the border and those have been deported.
[* I just want to add that we have not read in the US press that 5,000 Haitians have been deported back to Haiti. We have not read about flights back to Haiti for these people, we were being led to believe that many of the refugees are being held.]
More Haitians are on their way with hopes of crossing into the U.S. which Sr. Morones feels will exacerbate the situation because of the Mexican migrantes also hoping to immigrate.
Mayoria de migrantes que han cruzado a California seran deportado
Here are two tags to watch the developing news of the Haitian migrantes:
Just a note that the Los Angeles Times report above indicated that "some" Haitians were sleeping in the streets, actually it was far more than "some" which both Uniradio and Sintesis have documented - this was at the beginning of October, there were hundreds and up to thousands more sleeping in the streets prior to that. Don't worry, LA Times can always change their report.
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Courtesy TeleSur |
- Also today, ya'll remember this guy...Javier Duarte the Governor of Veracruz steps down while being investigated for corruption. No mention of him being investigated for murder.
Mexican Governor Quits to Address Corruption Charges
end edit.
- The Sad Case of the thousands of Haitians and Africans Stuck on the Border
Moving on to the Haitian and African migrantes who are stranded at the border, here is the report from the CCDH (Citizens Commission on Human Rights Northwest) which came out a few days back and I'll add a few comments along the way. I don't think you would find this on the US corporate press because there are allegations of corruption leveled at the Mexican government officials and a forthright description of social behavior shortcomings in Mexico.
CCDH emite posicionamiento sobre atrodescendiente y desplazados en BC
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Courtesy Uniradio |
CCDH's Position on Issues of African Decent and Displaced Persons in BC
"BAJA CALIFORNIA - The border cities of Tijuana and Mexicali today live an exceptional situation, emerging as a result from an unusual and massive migration of families from Haiti and the Democratic Republic of Congo, both of which aims to apply for humanitarian asylum to the United States of America (USA).
Afro - descendants in addition to traditional flows of economic migrants, Mexicans and Central Americans, from the south or deported from the United States, and internally displaced people arriving in Tijuana from Michoacan, Guerrero and other states; women, children and adolescents fleeing criminal, institutional and domestic violence in their hometowns, with the illusory expectation of obtaining asylum in the US. [* So here we are learning there are more than just the Haitians and Africanese, I have not seen this reported in the US press.]
These groups of migrants are now stranded on the border of Baja California in conditions of high vulnerability, installed close to the ports of entry to the US, in public and crowded in shelters, in the road, causing conflicts, especially among Haitians , which are the majority. [* I have not read about conflicts between these people in the US press]
Haitians who worked in Brazil for the World Cup and Olympics in the past, entered the country through the southern border with a temporary stay permit issued by the National Institute of Migration (INM) - They traveled with what savings it took years for them to accumulate and after a risky and dangerous journey of 11,000 kilometers lasting several months, most posing as citizens from the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country in constant internal conflict (Mexico has no diplomatic representation in this country, so its citizens can not be deported), expecting the appropriate tab for the interview with US authorities.
It is also known that there has been and is traffic and illegal sale of chips for these interviews. The priest and activist Alejandro Solalinde said in his recent visit to Mexicali, that there are strong suspicions that INM officials are selling the Haitians legal entry permits on the southern border. [* INM is referring to the Mexican Immigration Service]
Due to the lack of accurate and timely information on flows of Haitian and Congolese migrantes facilitates speculation about mass migration and possible corruption of the authorities. In fact no one, neither the authorities nor the shelters or the media, have agreed on the figures or the numbers of African descent who have come to the northern border, how many are in the southern border of Mexico and how many are in countries central and South Americans willing to travel through Mexico for its intended entry into the US. [* This is why I posted last blog that there is confusion to exactly how many migrantes are stranded on the border, but we know there are thousands and every day we receive lower numbers from one authority or another, we do. According to ICE, 40,000 more are on the way. BTW, the street by Padre Chavas has consistently been closed off early in the mornings so if you are going to the States or Sentri, use 2nd]
To date, the INM, responsible and is the authority for regulating the movement of foreigners in the country, has ignored the comprehensive care of the problem. Nor are the actions of the XXI City of Mexicali in terms of humanitarian assistance to people of African descent who come to this municipality known. They have received primary care by the municipality of Tijuana and, especially, from hostels in civil society in Tijuana and Mexicali who have traditionally offered food, shelter, clothing and health services to people living in mobility, as well the steps taken by the State Government of Baja California and the State Commission of Human Rights of Baja California (CEDHBC).
On the other hand, the US immigration authorities said that as of Sept. 23 it has significantly reduced humanitarian asylum to Haitians, distributing only 100 chips per day for interviews, which do not guarantee asylum, leaving thousands waiting, crowded, in Tijuana and Mexicali.
There are cases known of Haitian families where women and children are admitted to asylum, but the father, who stays in Mexico or is deported. [* I spoke with agents who told me this is not the case, that families are given priority together, and all are being held. That is what they said. Although these agents could not tell me for a fact that these Haitians would be flown back to Haiti, that seems to be what everyone believes at this point.] This family separation could represent a strategy to discourage asylum applications to the US. Those who manage to enter the country for individual analysis and are rejected, are deported back to Haiti which is devastated and in ruins, causing nervousness and uncertainty among families who are stranded in Tijuana and Mexicali. [*This is true as far the hopelessness which has set in. We were delivering some supplies late yesterday and the Haitians we encountered were disgruntled, most of them know now about the sudden change in the State Department's rules. It is still unclear how the US will return them to Haiti, most likely by flights, but US Immigration has also stated that the rues could change back, which IMHO is weird.] If they enter the US illegally and were caught by the Border Patrol they would face imminent deportation. [* Well, I don't think this is an option really, most of them by this time are broke]
It is urgent that the Mexican federal government together with local governments and civil society, develop strategies to resolve this migration from humanitarian and development perspective, not as a matter of Public Security, Internal Security or Homeland security, ensuring respect for the dignity and human rights of these people.
Mexico is a nation with a multi - ethnic and multicultural composition, with a strong tradition of solidarity with the peoples of the world. It has also made commitments with the international community, being a State Party to the treaties that give rise to the International Law of Human Rights. In the present case, even with the intervention of the Foreign Ministry, Mexico must enforce those treaties aimed at protecting the rights of people in situations of migration international mechanisms, including people of African descent crossing the country to reach the northern border.
Therefore, the ideas are worrying about the rejection of African descent expressed in the media and social networks by border citizens. Proliferate messages include denoting expressions of racism, xenophobia and discrimination against Haitians and Congolese of ethnic and national origin and color of their skin. It is incredible that in Baja California that they exist, these demonstrations despite being a region forged by immigrants and from 5 native indigenous ethnic groups and indigenous farmworkers and their families from the south of the country are given.
The lack of a strong culture of human rights in Mexico, coupled with a low level of political and social consciousness of much of the population, more misinformation, fear and fear of foreigners of color, are the breeding ground for ultraconservative sectors that take advantage of the situation to promote social networks and alarming media news as the likely spread of diseases such as Ebola, cholera and AIDS because of African descent; or the accusations that the migrantes come here to take away the jobs of the bajacalifornianos.
The idea is even promoted that they are criminal people, addicts, dealers, dirty, loose, aggressive , and that the government will maintain, among other things false information (similar strategy that exploits the Republican candidate Donald Trump for their purposes propagandistic-election between the most backward sectors of American society, targeting the Mexican population). People wonder, too, who is doing business or profiting from at the expense of Haitian migration by allowing entry into the country. [* Yes, we have heard this...but added to the projected criminality label is the terrorist label. Also IMHO those who vote for Hillary are just as backwards as those voting for Trump...a concept Mexicans have not understood still to this very day]
The Mexican government and civil society have an important job to do to stop the advance of these expressions contrary to humanitarian yearnings, which have strong acceptance in a biased and uninformed population. We must counter these radical groups that threaten the dignity, rights, safety and integrity of the migrants, who are mostly of African descent.
In consideration of the foregoing, the CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS NORTHWEST, AC coincides with other agencies on the urgent need to implement a comprehensive, Strategic Plan, human rights perspective and in collaboration with civil society, contemplates/proposes the following:
1. The formal recognition of the crisis by the federal government, not only as a media statement to declare immigration humanitarian emergency in the municipalities of Tijuana and Mexicali, in order to develop a structured program of action and allocate adequate resources Fund Migrants or other support to deal with the contingency; [*Note this has not been declared an emergency situation yet in fact authorities are not calling it an emergency situation.]
2. On the part of the appropriate authorities and under the principles of transparency, efficiency, objectivity and maximum publicity, keep the popultion properly and duly informed about the migration of Haitians, Congolese, Central Americans and Mexicans on condition of internal displacement, particularly the border town of Baja California; the criteria on which the citizens of Haiti and Congo are benefiting from temporary permits to stay in Mexico and its cost; how many of them have received such permits and for how long are issued; health conditions of these social groups, particularly people of African descent and in general, all of the information which the Mexican society deserves to know.[* Note there was a case of TB reported today, a man 30 years old who has been hospitalized]
3. With the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to provide sufficient facilities for temporary stay for Haitian families, Congolese and Mexican internally displaced people, with all food services, shelter, sanitation and others, under the codes and collaboration of human rights organizations and shelters for migrants; [* Note that the Municipality of Tijuana is looking for large shelters which will accomodate hundreds, announced yesterday]
4. Develop a comprehensive long - term program for eventual WELCOME, WELCOME AND VOLUNTARY INTEGRATION Haitian, Congolese and displaced Mexican families from the interior of the country, which incorporates both the society of Baja California as other entities, developing actions to provide legal residence, birth certificates to newborns, decent work, adequate housing, health services and education, cultural integration, public safety, utilities and others, to ensure the enjoyment and exercise of all their civil rights, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental;
5. A human rights approach, to be implemented in the media a program of awareness and education aimed at the border and Mexican society in general, based on the principles of solidarity, fraternity, respect for differences and non - discrimination of people ethnic and national origin, color, age and other, tending to counteract the feelings of xenophobia, racism, discrimination and fear of migrants of African descent;
6. Through the Foreign Ministry, signed with the United States and Central American countries and the Caribbean, AGREEMENTS HUMANITARIAN AND NO repatriation of Haitian citizens, Africans and other nationalities that are on the borders and / or in transit to the United States seeking asylum, to give a worthy alternative of life to families who are waiting to meet the application in the US, and that for reasons beyond their will can not access this benefit, and... [*Note: because of the new US rulings, it does not look to me as if these folks are going to be able to stay in the U.S. On the other hand, ICE has also said that this new provision could be revised, we'll see.]
7. Establish a special program of comprehensive care and protection to internally displaced Mexican persons from the interior of the republic (Michoacan and Guerrero, mainly), who are fleeing criminal, institutional and domestic violence when they are also spending the night(s) in Tijuana with the prospect of receiving asylum in the US. Many of these people are afraid that the criminal gangs that threaten them in their hometowns have a presence on the northern border. [* Yes, this is an issue - that of organized crime members from the migrantes home turf are present on the border - I have yet to see described in the corporate media of the US]
We reiterate our proposal is not aimed at creating dependency of migrants with respect to the Mexican government and the general public, but under the constitutional principles of equality, fairness and non - discrimination and under the obligation of all authorities to promote, respect, protect and guarantee human rights, the Mexican government, in absolute coordination with organizations of civil society, to build the conditions for Haitians, Congolese, Central Americans and other nationalities and Mexicans living in displacement, can be accessed at the country to a life in conformity with the dignity of the human person.
Finally, we appeal to the traditional international solidarity and peaceful vocation of the Mexican State. We also appeal to recognize that, throughout world history, it has been shown that the fusion of races generates economic, social and cultural wealth. "
- More on Haiti - More Clinton Screw Ups Big Time
Wait a minute, let me get this straight - he has to live everyday with what he did? I don't think it bothers Bubba one little bit. Does this mean that he also has to live everyday of his life for the NAFTA disaster - which actually was a Bush program that he pushed through which enslaved people and wrecked havoc on the environment in Mexico ?
Democracy Now ! For Spanish speaking, you can click the translation button at the top and read the transcript, BTW don't miss all of the news while you are there:
Bill Clinton's Trade Policies Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming, Now Haiti Faces Post-Hurricane Famine
- Hillary's legacy: More violence and repression in Honduras
If you think for a second that the outcomes of Hillary's 2009 Honduran Coup bother her or stops her from sleeping at night or like her husband "has to live with it everyday" you are either in complete denial or are delusional.
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Coming your way Mexico: Queen Killary |
From TeleSur: (Many more articles if you do a Honduras search there)
Hitmen Target Berta Caceres Ally in Honduras for a Second Time
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Courtesy The Guardian |
Both Democracy Now ! and The Guardian are reporting that it was two leaders of COPINH who were attacked, these were Tomas Gomez Membrano and Alexander Garcia. This was the second attack on Tomas Gomez Membrano who survived both attacks:
Democracy Now !
Honduras: 2 Leaders of COPINH Survive Assassination Attempts
end edit.
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Courtesy Democracy Now ! |
- Expanding the Debate From Democracy Now !
It was beyond an embarrassment, it was a brawl between two oafs which did not address the issues, at all. So, to add a little class and clarity so the entire world doesn't think America is a lunatic asylum (which is debatable) Democracy Now has given us once again their "Expand The Debate" series. For those Spanish speaking, hit the translation button and you can read the transcripts, if you dare.
Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein "Debates" Clinton & Trump in Democracy Now ! Special Parts One and Two
Here's a little early Halloween card for ya'll and yes the violence continues here, of course it does, it has never stopped. In fact, I have noticed they are back to advertising armored vehicles for sale like in the old days and important politicos are calling for the Army to be back on the streets of Tijuana. Wait a minute, I thought the Marinos were supposed to be here, several weeks ago. I guess not. We'll pick it up in the next few days, and remember, everyday is Halloween here.
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That Means All Of Us |
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