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Why is the media calling these guys the "alt-right"? Call a spade a spade, they are neo-nazis and they support Donald Trump. If we have to tip toe around and not be forthright, we are hiding from the reality. |
Today I read an article in the Huff Post (which I usually avoid like the plague) telling people to stop saying "Not My President" when referring to or demonstrating against Donald Trump. From what I gather, the saying is attributed to Hillary supporters...but in fact has been picked up and used by others who did not support Hillary or Trump. I say if it feels good, then use it ! However, I am concerned that if I find an icon to use with the saying, people might assume I was a Hillary supporter, which of course I was not. Demanding that people stop using the catch phrase is just as bad if not worse than Obummer telling people to give Donald Trump "a chance."
Which brings us around to the subject of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Yesterday I linked the Ines Garcia- Hector Ortiz report from Zeta on the effects of the legalization of marijuana in California on the cartels. In my haste I did not point out their great section on what Donald Trump's effect and reactions to them will be on Mexico. Unfortunately in Mexico there was zero coverage of the third party candidates including Bernie Sanders (the sell out) and Jill Stein nor was there any reporting of how much the American people disliked Hillary and currently no reporting of why she lost. So, we'll start off with Ines and Hector, then move on to the discussions of why Hillary lost - hoping that the Mexican people will be able to grasp the concept.
- Mexican Perspective on Donald Trump's Impact on Mexico
From: "Carteles se reestructuran, tras la legalizacion de la marihuana en California"
por, Ines Garcia y Hector Ortiz
Academic Ibero Trump says that threat is real
Patricia de los Rios, a full-time academic at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the Universidad Iberoamericana (Ibero), said her impression is that the campaign promises of US President-elect Donald Trump did not end Merely an "elector."
On the contrary, she believes that there will indeed be a threat against Mexicans resident in the neighboring country as has not been seen in decades.
Such intimidation does not come solely from the policies promised by the tycoon, but the hate speech he has made of Mexicans and other minorities has become the scapegoat for US problems. In turn, this has awakened the citizenry sector with ideology of hatred and white supremacy.
"Anyone feels right to say anything to a Mexican or a Muslim woman, an African American who may be there long before other people who probably today will insult them," reflected the politician.
"The threat against our compatriots on that side is real and comes from both sides, the Trump government and the state governments that are mostly in the hands of Republicans."
To this situation is added the possibility of creating cities and universities sanctuary in more tolerant territories, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York or Boston, where Mexicans live in conditions very different from those in the rest of The American Union.
Another issue that should cause worry, de los Rios said, mainly in the border area, is the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which would represent a severe economic blow to Mexico, as it could raise the rates of Interest rates on foreign debt, especially given the current situation of the Mexican currency.
Finally, he added that thanks to the Republican majority in the Senate, there will be strong opposition from Congress regarding policy proposals for the next President of the United States. Hector Ortiz .
"Moments of uncertainty" for Mexicans in US: consul in San Diego
Marcela Celorio, Mexico's consul in the United States, said of Donald Trump's arrival in the White House: "The times we are going through are uncertain, but they lead to calm on the part of the consular function. Mexicans abroad will have the right tools so they can protect themselves and can navigate the system. "
The diplomat referred to the eleven actions broadcast through a press release, by the Foreign Ministry (SRE), aimed at protecting the Mexican community in the United States, especially to avoid being victims of abuse and fraud.
The announcement comes a week after Trump was elected President of the United States and the measures will be implemented both through the Mexican Embassy in the United States and in the 50 consular offices of that country.
Among the recommendations made by the Mexican government, "the call to communities to avoid any situation of conflict and to avoid actions that may lead to administrative or criminal sanctions", as well as "strengthen the relationship with civil rights organizations."
Most of the points are focused on disseminating the lines of communication for the compatriots. For example, the phone number Information Center for Mexicans (CIAM) , which is marked from the United States free of charge: 185-5463-6395, and is the first point of contact with the government of Mexico for those who require Assistance, information and consular protection.
In addition, a hotline 1-800, available 24 hours, was activated to address any questions about migratory measures or report incidents.
Similarly, the SRE will seek to promote the use of mobile application MiConsulmex containing migration information and contact details consulates and immigration services providers.
Some of the actions to be carried out are:
* The number of appointments will be increased to carry out consular registration procedures, passports and birth certificates.
* Intensify the promotion of registration and issuance of birth certificates of children of Mexican nationals born in the United States.
* Extend the hours of the protection departments of the consulates to attend a greater number of cases.
* Accelerate the opening of Financial Advisory Windows and strengthen the banking campaign throughout the consular network.
Regarding the measures made known by the SRE, Celorio considered that among the main ones is the installation of mobile consulates, which "go to the most vulnerable communities in the consular district to carry documentation services, civil registry, dual nationality , Obtaining the passport, the consular registration, references in matters of health, references in financial matters, legal advice in all subjects: migratory, administrative and civil.
On the reactions of the Mexican community in Southern California in relation to the next federal administration, the consul commented: "What we have done is to have talks with different groups, whether students or parents. By interacting with them and answering their very specific doubts, uncertainty, this anxiety began to appease, because people having information already knows how to conduct themselves. "
Therefore, "...one of my main tasks and the one of the Consulate of Mexico will be to inform".
According to the diplomat, the Consulate has not registered any increase in aggression against Mexicans in the city of San Diego and, in conclusion, said that Trump's triumph should not cause the country to fall either in anxiety or despair, but warned: "that message of peace does not mean that we lower our guard, we must be firm in our positions." Hector Ortiz / Inés García
- The Mexican Consulate "has not registered any increase in aggression against Mexicans in the city of San Diego", but there have been over 200 incidents and hateful harassment and intimidation in the United States reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center since election day. Looking at the charts you can clearly see how many were directed towards immigrants. This article was posted 11/11 and there seems to be a lull, but keep in mind the neo-nazis are rabid. When you are at the link, you can leave your email and they will send you updates.
- Now some tips for immigrants from New America Media....
Lo que las familias pueden hacer ahora
Aunque sea difícil saber exactamente lo que se puede esperar de un gobierno Trump, hay algunos pasos que las familias pueden tomar ahora para mantenerse seguras y hacer planes para su futuro.
Sally Kinoshita de Immigrant Legal Resource Center destacó que Trump no será presidente hasta el 20 de enero, 2017. Hasta entonces, el programa DACA sigue en vigor.
Se tarda varios meses en tramitar las solicitudes de DACA, dijo Kinoshita, así que si aun no se ha solicitado DACA, puede que sea demasiado tarde.
Trump ha dicho que eliminaría el programa; lo más pronto que esto podría pasar sería su primer día en el poder.
Las renovaciones, que lleva ocho semanas tramitarlas, serían mucho menos arriesgadas, dijo Kinoshita. Algunas personas están renovando su DACA ahora, mientras Obama está en el poder, para conseguir un permiso de trabajo de dos años.
Los que están pensando renovar DACA ahora deben saber que el precio para DACA subirá a los $495 el 23 de diciembre, 2016. Hay préstamos disponibles mediante el Mission Asset Fund, la Self-Help Federal Credit Union, el Consulado Mexicano o prestadores de servicios locales.
Debido a que se espera un aumento en cumplimiento de las leyes, con prioridad a aquellos con historiales criminales, dijo, la gente debe evitar roces con la ley.
"Algo como una infracción por manejar ebrio o una condena por drogas puede tener consecuencias permanentes para la inmigración", dijo Kinoshita.
Aquellos que viven en California pueden conseguir reducir algunos delitos graves a delitos menores bajo el Prop 47.
Kinoshita anima a todos los inmigrantes a acudir a un prestador de servicio legal cualificado para un análisis de otras formas de ayuda de inmigración.
Para encontrar prestadores de servicios legales gratis o de bajo costo sin ánimo de lucro cerca de usted, vaya al directorio nacional de la Immigration Advocates Network.
- "The tyranny of the wealthy 1% minority....."
This is unfortunately the concept which I believe the Mexican press and the Mexican people simply do not understand. It is one of the reasons why so many of us said no to Hillary, who is adored here in Mexico. Here are several interviews for a better understanding - at Democracy Now ! there is a translation button on the top right and you can read the transcript:
From The Intercept:
1. Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to learn the Lesson of Brexit
by, Glenn Greenwald
2. Reckoning With a Trump Presidency And The Elite Democrats Who Helped Deliver It
Betsy Reed, Jeremy Scahill, Glenn Greenwald
3. The Stark Contrast Between GOP's Self-Criticism in 2012 and Democrats' Blame-Everyone-Else Posture Now
by, Glenn Greenwald
From Democracy Now !
Video & transcript
Glenn Greenwald: Why did Trump Win ? Blame the Failed Policies of the Democratic Party
Perhaps this might be easier to understand, a comment from Maxwell on Truthdig:
" What we are seeing is a crisis in global capitalism- what is happening in the bourgeoisie elections in this country, as elsewhere, is merely a reflection of that.
Important to keep in mind that the largest bloc was the 48% that did not vote. In the 2014 mid-terms that number was around 62%.
If we were to break down the numbers as to those who voted ardently for either political cardboard corporate buffoon (D or R) in this past election spectacle I would hazard a guess that neither candidate even received an enthusiastic vote total reaching 50% of their total votes received.
In short neither big business candidate garnered much support when the entire population of this country is considered.
So what does it all mean?
Well one thing it means is that their are huge numbers of individuals in this country that recognize that neither of these big business syndicates will ever represent them.
What is needed? Stronger critiques, organizing efforts and outreach from a socialist perspective (not pretend PR ploys from the likes of soft-imperialist Sanders).
People can organize around any number of issues such as food security (SNAP benefits), housing, single-payer health care, anti-militarism and so forth and it must all be connected to how the current economic system- capitalism- controls and destroys all aspects of our lives.
At present there is a huge political vacuum in this country. It will be filled one way or the other. Trump is merely a reflection of this. Let's keep in mind that all of these Dems (including the likes of Sanders, Warren et al) and Repubs are right-wingers and they promote an agenda that favors private interests domestically and foreign aggression and war crimes abroad."
That's it for now, I'll be back at some point to add the reports on the DAPL and the list of Trump's appointments ( which is really scary), Trump things to boycott and upcoming anti-Trump Demonstrations in the US...have to do lots of cooking tomorrow.
BTW, Happy Thanksgiving !
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