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Greetings From The Vatican where Melania Trump looked uncomfortably constipated ! |
The past week has been full of more Trump atrocities as he trots around the globe embracing despots and engaging in conversations with the outrageous murderous President Duterte while we watch with horror the potentiality of 23 million people in the United States being cut off of any type of medical coverage and slashes to social security plus more along with his draconian immigration policy.
Here are some more good reports:
The Sacramento Bee
By, The Editorial Board
This Latest Dust-Up Is Why California Can't Trust Trump On Immigration
In case you missed it on their sidebar, The Sacramento Bee continues to run this video from last year:
"Trump Protesters Pack Big Guns"
The Intercept
Deported To El Salvador, Trapped Between The Gangs and Trump
by, Danielle Marie Mackey, Pedro Armando Aparicio and Leiton Akio Woodhouse
More here:
Demoncracy Now !
Moyers & Company - you can sign up for their daily and weekly updates !
Okay, here is The Guardian's compilation of Late Nights with Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Kimmel because if we don't laugh a little bit, the stress of Trump is literally going to kill us...I love all of these, especially the one about the squirrel meat LOL:
The Guardian
Late-Night Hosts on Trump's Budget and Pope Meeting
I'll be back with the latest local casualty reports, it's been gruesome and bad.
UPDATE/EDIT 05/26/2017:
Honestly there has been no improvement in the violence in Baja California; matters have worsened - although authorities were quick to point out last week that conditions are not "out-of-control."
This morning at 11:35am, Frontera reports this month of May beats all historical records in Tijuana with 132 executions. This number surpasses the January 2010 total of 122 executions. (Remember, that was the year others reported that "nothing is happening in Tijuana" as far as the drug war and violence.) This now brings the YTD in Tijuana alone up to 583 murders/executions which continue even after this latest report:
Mayo es el mes con mas muertos en a historia de Tijuana
por, Angel F. Gonzalez
Another narco-message was located in Tijuana, atop a cooler which contained a hand grenade very close to a Secundaria. There was another armed attack against five people last night in Tijuana. For a first hand glimpse of every detail of this carnage - the bodies wrapped in plastic, tortured body thrown onto Blvd. 2000, decapitations, people shot in front of their families, attacks on police, brazen attacks in public areas in daylight you can go here:
Frontera Policiaca
And of course, Zeta.
We have not seen the Army/Marinos/Gendarmes deployed to either the streets of Tijuana or Rosarito Beach. I'll be back with the latest scathing report on the crime wave in Rosarito Beach and another shoot out between the Mexican Army and smugglers in San Vicente, Ensenada with more executions.
P.S. Last night actually early in the evening for several hours while we were having dinner and then watching "Witness For the Prosecution" the smell of sewage coming from the barranca where untreated sewage has been being dumped from Tijuana was so bad I had to close the windows. Paris wants to know when we are moving.
end edit.
You might remember Father Guido Sarducci from the Smothers Brothers.... and then much later on SNL. We always thought he had ties to the Mob, the Real Italian Mob that is. On a lighter note, here he is singing for us...he doesn't seem like a gangster but you never know.....
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