The Washington Post - (also check out #5 on the sidebar, latest Gallup Poll, wow ! Everyone just about hates Trump.)
Conservative Voices Blame Alexandria Shooting on Democrats and The Left
by, Dave Weigal
The Washington Post
Is Trump Making America Mentally Ill ?
by, Kathleen Parker
Meanwhile, here is a great video:
The Intercept
Video: How To Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
by, Naomi Kline
Adding this one from Bill Moyers and Company (who will send your email "Daily Reads") - Don't miss their special report, "#WHILE HE WAS TWEETING".
"It's getting weirder by the day –> In case you missed it, Julie Hirschfeld Davis reports for The New York Times that on Monday Donald Trump held "a highly unusual cabinet meeting in which he sought to deflect attention from his faltering agenda... by basking in the adulation of senior members of the government." Despite having passed no legislation of any significance, and with many of his executive actions held up in the courts, Trump began the session thusly: “I will say that never has there been a president... who’s passed more legislation, who’s done more things than what we’ve done.” Then, writes Davis, "the president went around the table asking for a statement from each cabinet member. One by one, they said their names and paid tribute to Mr. Trump, describing how honored they were to serve in his administration as he nodded approvingly."
All the latest on the latest:
Democracy Now !
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Courtesy the Intercept: Javier Valdez |
Let's move on to Mexico:
Innumerable reports on the outrageous state of affairs regarding the assassinations of journalists throughout Mexico have penetrated the Mexican national and local press alike since the murder of Javier Valdez. None that I could see - unless I missed it entirely - lays any of blame on the USA's role in the these atrocities. Likewise, the US MSM/Corporate press has had little to say about the US role in these murders.
From The Intercept this morning, an excellent report: (and don't miss their other headlines)
The Intercept
The Murder of Mexican Journalists Points to U.S. Role in Fueling Drug War Violence
by, Jesse Franzblau
I'll be adding the local events in the next two days,updates on the missing investigators; we have been non stop super busy here and in the States; Reuban has been spearheading and galvanizing the drive against the gates at SADM. Go Reuban !
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Courtesy Frontera: Two Human Heads Left In Front of PGJE Office |
The following article reports the official count for executions/homicides in Tijuana from 06/01 - 06/15/17 which is 76 dead bringing the YTD total for Tijuana up to 677 dead . This number includes but is not limited to the body of a woman located tortured, one human head with narco-message, two more human heads left in an ice chest with narco-message in front of the PGJE office, and two human headless bodies located - officials have not said if these headless bodies belong to the two heads left in front of the PGJE. Also, many daylight shootings in public and several armed commando attacks which leave many wounded.
Ataque armado deja un muerto y tres les lesionados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez
Since that report, I am counting nine more in Tijuana:
Frontera - Policiaca: includes arrests and seizures.
In Rosarito Beach (06/01-06/15) there have been seven:
Frontera - Policiaca Rosarito
More information taken from Frontera for the time frame 06/01 - 06/15:
- In Tecate (06/01-06/15) one burnt human head left in front of the Director de Policia Franciso Castro Trenti's house with a narco-message.
- In Ensenada, another shoot out in San Quintin leaves one man dead, two burned bodies located Uruapan (where the rustico hot springs are located) and human bones located today on the beach @ El Marmol (Sea of Cortez).
Zeta's numbers are higher....
On 06/16 Zeta reports that on the night of 06/15 a cooler containing the head of a pig, a knife and a narco-message was left close to a Primary school in the Zona Centro. With this report - Zeta puts the number executed in Tijuana alone at eighty two for the month of June (06/01-06/15).
Zeta Tijuana
Dejan Hielera con Cabeza de Cerdi y Narcomensaje
On 06/12 Zeta reports the State and individual Municipality numbers of executions/homicides during the period of 01/01 through 06/08 and notes the violence is worsening in the Municipalities:
01/01 - 06/08
State wide: 820 dead
Tecate: 14 dead
Rosarito: 29 dead
Mexicali: 64 dead
Ensenada: 66 dead
Tijuana: 647 dead
Zeta Tijuana - 06/12/17
Criminales Recrudecen Violencia
In this report dated 06/13, Juan Carlos Dominguez reports on the continuing and brutal wave of violence in San Quintin:
Zeta Tijuana - 06/13/17
Imparables Crimenes en San Quintin
Update/edit 06/17:
Rosarito Beach this morning was crowded with many Mexicans escaping the Mexicali heat. No visible sightings of Municipal, State or Federal Police or Military on the streets.
- Frontera is reporting the PGJE has confirmed two more burned bodies located in different locations of Tijuana Thursday night (06/15):
Frontera - 06/17/17
Encuentran Dos Cuerpos Calcinados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez
end edit.
I felt this was an important comment from The Intercept's report on US culpability in the murders of Mexican Journalists:
"If Mexico has sunk into the darkest of times, which I believe it has, the US is not only complicit in facilitating the Overtly Criminal Government of Mexico with state of the art weaponry, also the utterly reckless and chaotic behavior of the cartels and their orbiting law enforcement personnel is a direct result of US meddling (See everywhere US intervention of this type has taken place….)
Targeted kills have the same effect as removing the alpha male tiger shark from a particular reef, leaving the juveniles to duke it out for control in an unnatural environment. Naturally the young narco sharks have less experience in the Game and a far more prone to random violence.
Also, as another commented, we have become self deluded if we believe we can come and go in Mexico and not be part of the problem. As a frequent visitor to a particular area which I will not mention out of respect to the good people living and working there, I have felt the cartel presence creeping in lately, as the whole society in Mexico succumbs to the hell that the war on drugs has created. The particular area seemed to be out of the reach of the cartels, but lately there has been the familiar pattern of reported gang violence, murders etc. nearby.
The Mexican dream is dying to our south, poisoned by desperation, greed, corruption and high tech weaponry wielded with lizard brain ruthlessness. Add in Trump’s toxic, incendiary blather just for fun. In the end, Mexico can blame us for their horrible situation, rightly so, but this dance of death cannot be done without a partner.
This, our inseparable neighbor to the south, that in which the US has unlimited influence on every aspect of Mexican society. US foreign/Immigration policy ABC’s:
A. Bury the bodies in your neighbor’s yard,
B. Build a wall so you don’t have to be reminded of the crime,
C. Send the surviving members the bill for the wall’s construction."
I'll add the reports on the missing investigators next blog. Paris says woof, hurry up it's dinner time !
Despite everything, have a nice weekend.Targeted kills have the same effect as removing the alpha male tiger shark from a particular reef, leaving the juveniles to duke it out for control in an unnatural environment. Naturally the young narco sharks have less experience in the Game and a far more prone to random violence.
Also, as another commented, we have become self deluded if we believe we can come and go in Mexico and not be part of the problem. As a frequent visitor to a particular area which I will not mention out of respect to the good people living and working there, I have felt the cartel presence creeping in lately, as the whole society in Mexico succumbs to the hell that the war on drugs has created. The particular area seemed to be out of the reach of the cartels, but lately there has been the familiar pattern of reported gang violence, murders etc. nearby.
The Mexican dream is dying to our south, poisoned by desperation, greed, corruption and high tech weaponry wielded with lizard brain ruthlessness. Add in Trump’s toxic, incendiary blather just for fun. In the end, Mexico can blame us for their horrible situation, rightly so, but this dance of death cannot be done without a partner.
This, our inseparable neighbor to the south, that in which the US has unlimited influence on every aspect of Mexican society. US foreign/Immigration policy ABC’s:
A. Bury the bodies in your neighbor’s yard,
B. Build a wall so you don’t have to be reminded of the crime,
C. Send the surviving members the bill for the wall’s construction."
I'll add the reports on the missing investigators next blog. Paris says woof, hurry up it's dinner time !
UPDATE/edit 06/18:
50 Years Ago.....Janis at the Monterey Pop Festival:
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