To bring us up to speed, Frontera reported that June of 2017 closed out with 149 executions in Tijuana bringing the YTD total in Tijuana alone to 762 executions which represented an 85 % increase as compared to similar time frames of past years.
Por: Luis Gerardo Andrade |
TIJUANA, Baja California(GH)
Con siete homicidios registrados entre la noche del jueves y el viernes, en el primer semestre del 2017 se cometieron un total de 762 asesinatos en Tijuana.
Hasta la fecha, el presente año se proyecta para convertirse en el más sangriento en la historia de la ciudad, tomando en consideración que el récord lo tiene justamente el 2016 con 909 homicidios y aún faltan seis meses para termine este año.
De acuerdo a las estadísticas de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), en la primera mitad del 2016 Tijuana sumó un total de 408 asesinatos, es decir, 354 menos de los que se registraron de enero a junio de 2017.
Esta cifra representa un crecimiento del 86% en el número de homicidios al comparar el mismo periodo en ambos años.
Los recientes
De acuerdo información oficial, alrededor de las 2:00 horas de ayer, dos hombres fueron atacados a tiros en la colonia Cañón de Las Carretas, ubicada en la delegación San Antonio de los Buenos.
Al llegar las autoridades confirmaron que una de las personas baleadas falleció en el lugar y su acompañante fue trasladado a un hospital luego de haber sido estabilizado por los paramédicos.
Para las 6:00 horas del mismo día, se informó que sobre el Corredor 2000 se localizó el cadáver de una persona, a la altura de un puente que se localiza en la colonia Altiplano, el cual estaba envuelto con bolsas de plástico.
Los policías que llegaron confirmaron que la persona había sido decapitada, que su cabeza fue colocada en su pecho y se le dejó una cartulina con un “narcomensaje” escrito.
Más tarde, en el mismo viernes, se registraron otros tres homicidios, un hombre sin vida fue localizado en la colonia Ejido Lázaro Cárdenas, una mujer fue baleada en un centro de comercio y otro hombre fue acribillado en Paseos del Vergel.
Por la noche del jueves se registraron dos homicidios más, el cadáver de una mujer, con huellas de golpes fue localizada en el relleno sanitario en Valle de Las Palmas y un taxista libre fue asesinado a tiros en la colonia Lomas de San Martín.
Con estos casos la cifra de homicidios en los primeros seis meses del presente año, en Tijuana, es de 762, de los cuales la mayoría fueron cometidos en las colonias ubicadas al Este de la Ciudad.
En el 2017
Enero 103
Febrero 108
Marzo 121
Abril 119
Mayo 162
Junio 149
Total 762
En el 2016
Enero 74
Febrero 62
Marzo 70
Abril 59
Mayo 83
Junio 60
Total 408
Años anteriores
2016 909 homicidios
2015 652 homicidios
2014 494 homicidios
2013 539 homicidios
Hasta la fecha, el presente año se proyecta para convertirse en el más sangriento en la historia de la ciudad, tomando en consideración que el récord lo tiene justamente el 2016 con 909 homicidios y aún faltan seis meses para termine este año.
De acuerdo a las estadísticas de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), en la primera mitad del 2016 Tijuana sumó un total de 408 asesinatos, es decir, 354 menos de los que se registraron de enero a junio de 2017.
Esta cifra representa un crecimiento del 86% en el número de homicidios al comparar el mismo periodo en ambos años.
Los recientes
De acuerdo información oficial, alrededor de las 2:00 horas de ayer, dos hombres fueron atacados a tiros en la colonia Cañón de Las Carretas, ubicada en la delegación San Antonio de los Buenos.
Al llegar las autoridades confirmaron que una de las personas baleadas falleció en el lugar y su acompañante fue trasladado a un hospital luego de haber sido estabilizado por los paramédicos.
Para las 6:00 horas del mismo día, se informó que sobre el Corredor 2000 se localizó el cadáver de una persona, a la altura de un puente que se localiza en la colonia Altiplano, el cual estaba envuelto con bolsas de plástico.
Los policías que llegaron confirmaron que la persona había sido decapitada, que su cabeza fue colocada en su pecho y se le dejó una cartulina con un “narcomensaje” escrito.
Más tarde, en el mismo viernes, se registraron otros tres homicidios, un hombre sin vida fue localizado en la colonia Ejido Lázaro Cárdenas, una mujer fue baleada en un centro de comercio y otro hombre fue acribillado en Paseos del Vergel.
Por la noche del jueves se registraron dos homicidios más, el cadáver de una mujer, con huellas de golpes fue localizada en el relleno sanitario en Valle de Las Palmas y un taxista libre fue asesinado a tiros en la colonia Lomas de San Martín.
Con estos casos la cifra de homicidios en los primeros seis meses del presente año, en Tijuana, es de 762, de los cuales la mayoría fueron cometidos en las colonias ubicadas al Este de la Ciudad.
En el 2017
Enero 103
Febrero 108
Marzo 121
Abril 119
Mayo 162
Junio 149
Total 762
En el 2016
Enero 74
Febrero 62
Marzo 70
Abril 59
Mayo 83
Junio 60
Total 408
Años anteriores
2016 909 homicidios
2015 652 homicidios
2014 494 homicidios
2013 539 homicidios
2012 362 homicidios
This morning, Zeta reports at 11:40am there have been 82 executions in Tijuana this month of July, bringing the total YTD at 850 executed in Tijuana:
And in this report from Zeta, the YTD total of executions as of 07/14/17 in Baja California stands at 1,071:
Note: Zeta is giving us higher numbers : Pasted Translation. Thought you might be interested in who is shooting who.
The executors
"In the middle of the year, in Baja California, 1,731 homicides are already counted. The number has already surpassed the total number of executions in the State committed throughout 2014, all of 2015, and is close to exceeding those of 2016. Faced with the blood struggle, the Coordination Group decided, as in previous years, to focus efforts on capturing Leaders of drug trafficking cells, who in their insane war for the narcomenudeo points, execute without ceasing. The executors are three of "The Achilles" and two of "Los Chompas" of the Sinaloa Cartel; Two of the "Pilots" of the CAF; And three from the CJNG. Only one has an arrest warrantWith 165 murders in Tijuana and 197 murders in Baja California, May was listed as the bloodiest month in the border city. Then June, with 206 executions across the state, became the most violent statewide. In that context, during the last six weeks, the State Secretary of Public Security, Daniel de la Rosa Anaya, has repeated in speeches and interviews that the fact that until July 14 there were 1,071 executed in BC and 824 only in Tijuana, Does not mean that there are thousands of assassins. The criminal reality is that they are few and belong to three cartels, the ones that are killing in this federative entity.
De la Rosa has made an effort to point out that those responsible are barely a dozen traffickers and that their hitmen are not many more. He speaks about 60, but eight account for more victims.
From the Coordination Group, a member of the municipal order explained that the hitmen seem numerous because when they stop or kill them, they supply them quickly. "For recent examples, we are realizing that the life of a killer is not very long", and depends on the information you have.
He explained that the offender - started as a thief and a drug dealer - ordered a series of murders in which the bully has no idea who the victim, or their environment, or relationships, or role, who or what criminal group the person represents; Only give the description and location of the person to kill. Sometimes they even provide him with a weapon that he has to return.
"For the fourth or sixth homicide the sicario begins to realize what their boss's intentions are with the killings and then they order his death, and they replace him," ZETA was informed.
Some of these thugs are "independent" men and women who commit homicides for the highest bidder, today for a cartel and tomorrow for their competitor. In fact, as in previous years, to date it is investigated if there is any criminal who is renting weapons for the various cartels to execute; including weapons that have been stolen from officers of this and other states.
Faced with the surge of blood, the Coordination Group decided to concentrate its search on the perpetrators of the murders. The drug trafficking cell leaders of the Sinaloa cartels, Arellano Felix (CAF) and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). Since early June, they have requested collaboration from the federal authorities, who responded negatively, despite the fact that these men are engaged in federal drug trafficking offenses, and as evidence, cargoes of kilograms, liters and / or tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin which have been constantly ensured in the city.
Juan José Pérez Vargas, "El Piolín", "R7", "Jp". Edgar Alejandro Herrera Pardo, "El Caiman", "El Zame" Israel Alejandro Vázquez Vázquez, "El 50", "El Goofy".
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
They argued that they can not collaborate in their search, since the State Attorney General's Office (PGJE) has also failed, since they also have no warrants for homicide or narco-trafficking, despite being the main traffickers and cell leaders in Baja California . "But no one accuses them or says of committing crimes directly, ordering such a death," is the justification from the local prosecutor's office, where they assert that what most criminals say is that they know that the leader of the cell is so-and-so .
Thus, since June, the Federal Government has left all the work to the local authorities, the responsibility remained for the operative forces of Baja California, state and municipal police - supported by the Army in the Bases of Operations - and the challenge is to surprise the leaders of the criminal groups in flagrancy in order to apprehend them.
It is not known if the next arrival in the State of the Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, will change this provision of the administration peñista, but it is doubtful, especially after his statements the last week of June in the framework of the Fourth National Meeting of Legislative Harmonization of the Commissions for Gender Equality, the Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women and the Superior Courts of Justice in the Federal Entities .
The official said that the rise in homicide was due to deficiencies in the police and local procuratorates, and said that most of the deaths were related to crimes of common law. In the case of Baja California, 80 percent related to narcomenudeo, a crime that the Federation transferred to the State since August 29, 2012 without, passing budget for combat.
Francisco Javier Mendoza Uriarte "El Chapito Uriarte". José Luis Mendoza Uriarte, "El Guero Chompas".
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
Implementers: Ten top priority ... and recycled targets
At this time, the most wanted men are the same subjects that for several years have been identified by the Coordination Group as drug trafficking leaders in Baja California, some of whom have even been arrested and released. These are nine men who have no warrant for arrest, and one more, the only one in which the Federation showed interest because it has an arrest warrant, issued within the old system.
According to the intelligence reports of the Coordination Group Baja California, most of the security houses of these alleged offenders are in private fractions, making it difficult to enter and surprise them in flagrant criminal acts. Even more difficult: they spend most of the time in other states of the Mexican Republic.
Here is the list of implementers:
Cartel of Sinaloa / Cell "Los Achilles"
- Alfonso Arzate Garcia alias "The Achilles" or "El Mayor ". Marked as the number one target, he has an active arrest warrant for homicide qualified since 2012, which in five years has not been executed. He is 44 years old and, according to intelligence groups, is not in Baja California; Is kept in motion in several security houses in Sinaloa and Sonora.
- René Arzate "La Rana" or "El General". Alfonso brother and ten years younger, started as head of the "Achilles" hit men and climbed to a senior position in the cell that transports drugs to the United States, when they emigrated with a Sinaloan cartel chief in Mazatlan, where most of the weather. In 2007 he was investigated as alleged responsible for qualified injuries and attempted homicide, and in 2008 they opened a file for injuries aggravated by reason of kinship, say he shot his wife.
- Víctor Hugo Mejía López "El Griego". In 2013 he was arrested twice, the crime he attributed and for which he was released was possession of weapons exclusively for the Army, he was even investigated for the murder of municipal police Jesús Hurtado in March 2012, but was never charged . Authorities place him as the middle command under "The Achilles," however, versions of uncorroborated criminals indicate that the 29-year-old could be involved in the large-scale drug trafficking run by La Rana.
Cartel of Sinaloa / Cell "Los Chompas" and / or "Los Uriarte"
All related to Raydel López Uriarte, arrested in February 2010:
- José Luis Mendoza Uriarte "El Güero Chompas". He is 37 years old, in 2009 he was captured by possession of weapons for exclusive use of the Army; In 2011 and 2012 he was arrested for manslaughter, criminal association and possession of stolen vehicle; In 2014 he was insured with guns and a grenade and, since February 2017, he is released. According to the Coordination Group, it fights against the CJNG for the criminal control of the Eastern Zone of Tijuana.
- Francisco Javier Mendoza Uriarte "El Lucas" or "El Chapito Uriarte ". The Coordination Group was looking for it since the end of 2015 for drug trafficking and homicide issues, it was one of the 65 priority objectives of the State Security Council. The State Preventive Police (PEP) detained him on Saturday, June 4, 2016, and handed him to the Specialized Investigation Office of Organized Delinquency, as well as the weapons he was detained with: a long weapon, a .380 caliber With chargers and cartridges, as well as just over a million pesos in cash. "El Lucas", currently 33, was released without informing the authorities of Baja California.
- Prospero Medina Avilés "El Pablito". Almost 43 years old and a former ministerial police officer, he was executed in 2001 in an arrest warrant for abuse of authority and, in November 2006, he was suspected of having participated in an armed attack against municipal police. The most recent public appearance of his name was in a narcomanta hanging on a bridge in Tijuana on February 23, 2016, where alleged CJNG leaders demanded him and 13 other members of the CAF recognize them "... as partners and members of the square or Want new war ".
- Pablo Edwin Huerta Nuño "El Flaquito ". According to information provided by the Coordination Group, until mid-2016 he was being investigated for an attempted bribery in October 2012, evading a fine for not bringing a license. Now, the file of the young man of 26 years includes a prison report by porting of weapon of exclusive use of the Army in 2012.
- Juan José Pérez Vargas "El Piolín". With 36 years recently, the Mexican American has a record on both sides of the border: in 2007, at the age of 26, he was arrested in Tijuana for violent robbery and firearm possession; In 2011 he had a penitentiary income for possession of a weapon of exclusive uses of the Army; And since 2015 operates as head of the expansion of the CJNG in Tijuana.
- Israel Alejandro Vázquez Vázquez "El 50" or "El Goofy ". According to reports by the authority, he is 42 years old, he had already committed criminal offenses for other cartels, but his file only includes two prison admissions: one in 2010 for vehicle theft and another in 2012 for violent robbery. In 2015, the Jalisco cell was integrated as an armed wing and considered violent. In November 2016, when his photograph was first published in the 2222 edition of ZETA , investigations and wiretaps detected that this assassin ordered, as a warning, an armed attack on the offices of this Weekly during non-working hours, which To be detected by the authorities and exhibited by the press, was not executed.
- Édgar Alejandro Herrera Pardo "El Zame" or "El Cayman". Of 30 years, in the criminal organization chart of the Coordination Group they had like subordinate of Arturo Gómez Herrera "The Gross" , assassinated in October of 2016 in Jalisco and considered chief of hired assassins of the CJNG-CTNG. Its antecedents contemplate only presentations to the railing of the Municipal Police for faults to the Police Band and Good Government, first in 2004 and soon in 2010.
In addition to the ringleaders, the operational forces of the State Security Council have in their priority lists the material perpetrators they are beginning to identify, however, it is a difficult task because of the short life span their criminal bosses are giving them .
Prospero Medina Ávilez, "El Pablito". Pablo Edwin Huerta Nuno, "El Flaquito".
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
Juan Manuel González Vega "El Quemado". Of 34 years of age, in 2015 he was arrested twice, in November in possession of a sharp weapon and in December for crimes against health, when carrying with him 90 doses of crystal . It has no records in 2016, but in April and May of this year has been captured six times: three in April and all for health crimes, the first to carry eleven doses of glass , the second for 16 marijuana wrappers and the third By nine wrappings of the same enervante; In May they captured it with 40 doses of glass , and then with 20 doses; In June the arrest was for possession of a firearm.
Based on his capture, the intelligence areas had him located as a delinquent dedicated to violent robbery and narcomenudeo, however, after his most recent capture, in possession of a firearm after a homicide perpetrated on June 21 in Calle Popocatépetl and Baja California of the colony Camino Verde, Sánchez Taboada Delegation; Was in the company of Johan Jesus Casillas, in possession of a caliber 380 ACP Argentine Industry , and ten doses of crystal- were released. The operative authorities place him as a bully.
In the same group put to:
Mario Ponce Arciniega and / or Andres Estrada López "El Arcy ". A 27-year-old man was arrested on Friday, June 23, and immediately released by a judge who declared the arrest illegal because he did not know where the alleged criminal was captured.
The "Arcy" prison records include one in 2016 for drug possession; In 2014 for crimes against health; In 2009 for kidnapping and evasion of prisoners; And one more in 2007 for kidnapping. In 2014 he was insured by the PEP for crimes against health. Last month, when arrested by the same corporation, Arciniega identified with a driver's license issued in Sinaloa, in the name of Andrés Estrada López. He was in the company of two men: Ángel Pérez, with five detentions between 2009 and 2011 for robbery with violence, auto theft and carrying firearm; And Miguel Alfaro, also with five previous catches between 2006 and 2009 for possession of prohibited weapon, qualified robbery and crimes against health.
With "The Achilles" they locate to:
Francisco Villegas Borbón. 29 years. On June 2, the Tijuana Municipal Police reported that he had been arrested in the company of Sergio Nahúm Paniagua Alcántar, Abraham Blancarte Hernández (wearing a bulletproof vest), Juan Carlos Sifuentes González, and a 17-year-old mazatlan girl, who was referred to the juvenile care authorities And claimed to have received attacks of a sexual nature.
Juan Manuel Gonzalez Vega, "El Quemado", people from "El Guero Chompas", Francisco Villegas Borbón.
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
"It is presumed innocent, as long as it does not declare its responsibility by the judicial authority. Art.13, CNPP "
In his conversation with the uniformed officers, Villegas admitted his involvement in the attack on a hot-dog merchant, but argued that it had been a mistake, because they confused the victim with the subjects responsible for having shot him, he said, his mother's house. And he added, it was not a job ordered by "The Achilles", but a personal operative, and knew that running it could bring him problems with his bosses.
On the side of "The Pilots", the authorities contemplate a member of the old guard:
Enrique Gabino Jorquera Guerrero "El Jorquera ". Ex-ministerial police who usually are located in work of transfer, but at present put him at the head of the executions.
As regards the Lira family, headed by Alfonso Lira Sotelo, arrested in September 2014 in Jalisco, whose current criminal leaders, Javier Lira Sotelo "El Carnicero" or "El Hanibal" and his sister Delia are not in the ten Most wanted, authorities are alert about their main street operator, whom they consider directly related to the killings in Tecate and the area conurbada with Tijuana.
Francisco Javier Payán Pérez "El Nanis ". No further data are provided.
According to the most recent statements by the Secretary of State Security, Daniel de la Rosa, in almost four years of administration, more than 20 priority objectives - which means 50 percent of those enlisted - have been detained, however, Unknown how many have been released in the same period, as happened recently with the brothers Uriarte and Mario Ponce Arciniega.
There the intellectual and material authors of the murders in Tijuana.
Tijuana adds 833 homicides in the year; 66 in July
As of Thursday, July 13, 833 felony homicides, the vast majority committed with firearms, have taken place in Tijuana. The number added 66 victims in July and this week the violent killings included a woman shot in front of her children, a decapitated body with a narcomensaje signed by the Tijuana Nueva Generación Cartel and the body of a person caught in flames aboard A vehicle.Also noteworthy is the homicide of Abraham Moisés Bahena Aranda, better known as "El Güero", who is related to a cell from the Sinaloa Cartel, in which Jesús Alberto Aispuro Medina "El Mazapán" also collaborates, who in May survived a Attack where his stepdaughter, 5 years old, lost his life.
The execution was recorded around 1:30 pm on Tuesday, July 11, in El Florido colony First Section. "El Güero" received three bullet holes in his abdomen and, although he was found alive by paramedics, he died during the transfer to the hospital. One man was injured in the attack.
Bahena Aranda has a criminal record of at least seven arrests since 2008 for crimes ranging from robbery to possession of drugs. Recently, investigators linked him to a murder committed on May 30.
Photo: Courtesy
The young woman was traveling with two children, 2 and 3 years old, who were in the vehicle at the time of the murder, but did not suffer physical injuries; An escort was injured.
Like "El Güero", María del Carmen had a criminal record for robbery, while the injured man also has a history of injuries, narcomenudeo, possession of a firearm and vehicle theft.
Only between Friday 7 and Sunday 9 July, there were 13 intentional homicides. A man of Jordanian nationality, named Abdallah Abedalaziz Rashad Ibrahim, was found dead on Sunday in the Soler subdivision.
Also, at 11:22 pm on Monday 10, a 16-year-old child joined the count of victims: Manuel Arias Zaragoza "El Keller", found lifeless and with injuries caused by shots on Monte de los Appalachia of the subdivision Urbi Villas del Prado Second Section.
The next morning, at 6:37 am, authorities responded to the report of a dead body in Corridor 2000 in the East Zone. In the place it found a man beheaded in a land of the colony Altiplano.
The head was placed on the side of the rest of the body, on which was left a cardboard with the following message: "PUREL PATTERN CTNG THIS WILL GO TO ALL THE GENE OF GOMEZ CHOMPA AND LUCAS TOGETHER WITH THE DOGS OF AKI YA NO KABEN FOLLOW YOUR PAULINA AND ALEX. CTNG. JAJA " .
At six o'clock on Wednesday, July 12, firefighters and police officers attended a vehicle burned on the Zapata Canyon, between the International and Eleven streets of the lower Libertad colony.
After suffocating the fire, a burned person was located inside the panel vehicle."
Since this morning there have been more shootings and more wounded. You can thumb back to look at each one in detail:
Reports on Rosarito Beach, Ensenada where more police were attacked and killed in Camalu; Tecate & Mexicali coming up I hope it has been so darn hot which is making both me and Paris sick. You really wouldn't think anything was amiss in Rosarito over the weekend, it was packed...but not with the pale faces.
The allegory also applies to the U.S.A. :
The allegory also applies to the U.S.A. :
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