'James S. Henry is an investigative economist and lawyer, a Global Justice Fellow at Yale University, and a Senior Advisor at the Tax Justice Network. Previously, James served as Chief Economist at the international consultancy firm McKinsey & Co. As an investigative journalist his work has appeared in numerous publications like Forbes, The Nation and The New York Times.'
"What I would say about the overall story here is that this is, as Churchill said, this is not the end or even the beginning of the end, but it is an indication that we are going to have to, all of us who are specialists in this investigation have to discount a little bit about our natural interest in all these details because I'm concerned at the end of the day, the American people have to get onboard and figure out that all of this stuff in these indictments constitutes something that they want the president removed for. An impeachable offense requires a new Congress, probably, and a whole lot more democratic senators, and that's not going to happen for a while. So, Mueller's strategy is just beginning and this is going to roll out over a long period of time, so it's kind of premature to characterize this as the fatal blow that will be struck against Trump, but I think it's a good start."
That was just part of the interview from yesterday on The Real News, which also featured Marcy Wheeler:
The Real News
After Indictments, Where Is Russiagate Headed ?
Marcy Wheeler also writes for The Intercept:
George Papadopoulos's Plea Deal Is Very Very Bad News For Attorney General Jeff Sessions
And long time Washington investigator David Dayen of the Intercept writes:
Paul Manafort's Alleged Money-Laundering Scheme Was Exposed Months Ago
The Guardian is even offering minute by minute live updates:
The Guardian
From Truthdig:
Panic In Trumpland, But Clinton Camp Should Be Wary
by, Bill Blum
Reading through hundreds of comments from both the conventional corporate media to the most progressive of course there are the die hard Hillary fans, the maniac Trump fans both of whom sincerely believe the system still works and that we will be freed of Trump or that he will be vindicated. In between the lines, you will see many more like this one (which most likely will not get coverage in the Mexican press):
is just a small example of what rich people do; despite making millions
by wheeling and dealing (rather than honest productive work or
performing a useful service); they still get YOUR politicians to write
laws allowing them to avoid taxes. Trump actually said it live on TV
when it was alluded that he paid no tax, he said and I quote..(that
makes me smart)..NO, it makes you an amoral scumbag! Clinton is no
different and Obama spends his time collecting big dollars for speeches
while he waits for the millions to come from his and his wife’s books.
These scum have been exploiting the long suffering working class for
millennia and will continue as long as workers believe in the invisible
man in the sky and other nonsense like their leaders are honorable
people, they are scum."
Which reminds me of this essay: **********
The End of Empire
by, Chris Hedges
Update/edit 1:33pm: More on Russiagate and everything else with new interview with Marcy Wheeler :
Democracy Now !
Meanwhile, Paris goes in to San Diego to the VCA for her operation on Wednesday, so have been busy getting things ready around here. We'll pick her up on Thursday. The electricity was out here as usual the first day for over twelve hours, the next day for six hours which pissed my neighbors off. It was a good thing this happened after the heat wave. A strong, long lingering and putrid raw sewage smell coming from the barranca knocked us off our toes, just another reminder not to go in the ocean and who cares anymore if your view is blocked - who wants to look at a sewage dump ? Nothing changes.
Zeta has reported over 160 executions in Tijuana this month of October, I'll be back with those stats and more on the Municipalities in the next couple of days.
An anonymous person left a message here a few days back which I didn't publish, I deleted it because this person wanted my opinion on if I thought Tijuana is dangerous - plus it was not about the subject matter of that particular blog. I'm sorry now I deleted the comment. Yes, I think it is dangerous. And, there simply is no argument against that, it is dangerous end of story. The Guardian has a key question running - "What is it that you regret in life ?" Our biggest regret is that we ever moved to Mexico.
I need to add that there are seven other households which we know of aside from ours at SADM and this is a mix of Mexican Nationals, Mexican-Americans and Gringos (in the minority); all of these people - most of them who have lived in SADM going back at least twenty years not only want to leave SADM, but they want to leave Baja California and Mexico due to the insecurity, environmental, political and social issues with insecurity and impunity taking first place. These are North end households, we don't know anyone at the south end.
It's a real heartbreaker.
Update/edit 11/01:
- First, Paris had her operation today, (I'll explain everything later it was complicated) she is in the VCA Hospital in San Diego. Ramps are up, bed off frame and we pick her up tomorrow afternoon. Her front legs are in splints; she goes back every week for the next eight weeks for bandage changes, x-rays and pin removal. This was like going to the Mayo clinic.
- Next, I wanted to add the CCSP Report for Tijuana for September 2017 for the "anonymous" poster who wanted to know if TIJ was dangerous.
I just copied & pasted this:
From Zeta:
Homicidios y Robos Incrementan en Septiembre:CCSP
por, Hector Ortiz Ramirez - 10/22/17
"September was the most violent month of 2017, with 212 homicides counted in said period, reported the Citizen's Public Safety Council.
With these homicides, in the first three quarters of the year, there were a thousand 285 incidents, which represents an increase of 102 percent over the same period in 2016, when 635 were recorded.
Also, a kidnapping was filed in September, adding 7 in the year and 22 illegal deprivations of liberty.
In relation to patrimonial crimes, the theft of vehicles and the theft to commerce are the ones that present percentage increases with respect to the previous year, of 63 and 75 percent, respectively.
In September there were 899 thefts of vehicles and 314 robberies to commerce, adding so far in the year 8 thousand 805 and 2 thousand 913, respectively, against 5 thousand 413 and thousand 664 registered between January and September 2016.
Also the theft with violence presents an increase of 8 percent, presenting a thousand 417 incidents, of which 163 correspond to September of 2017.
Finally, the only item analyzed that shows a decrease in the comparison between January-September 2016 and 2017, is that of robbery at home, presenting 2 thousand 795 in 2016 against 2 thousand 007 of 2017 (-28 percent), 215 incidents."
end edit.
UPDATE/news flash! 11/02:
- Dr. Jackson sent a picture of Paris with text message which said,
" Your girl is doing well, resting comfortably. We will update you in the am, you can call at any point. Dr. Jackson "
BTW, check out Dr. Jackson's credentials on biographies at VCA. He's pretty amazing. Here's the pic:
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Love that pup |
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