
Sunday, July 22, 2018

# Free Julian Assange

From John Pilger's Site

Believe it or not last night I was up late compiling notes on AMLO and the recent last two months Policiaca stats for our region.  But for a second I surfed over to The Intercept for a break and was glued to this following report and comments on the fate of Julian Assange. Please take the time to read it (if you haven't already) ; naturally Glenn Greenwald  is outstanding and the comments are truly priceless offering insight, links and even petitions:

 - From The Intercept

Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the U.K. What Comes Next ? 

By, Glenn Greenwald - 07/21/2018


AMLO,drug war stats and Zero Tolerance coming up.


Images of (I'm pretty sure) the barrier wall at Playas de Tijuana included:

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