And it's a good thing except I'm having a rough time logging in - hopefully I can get the reports to link here.So let's give it a whirl. This news will supersede Joe Biden's Town Hall. In case the report won't come up on a link, I'll paste it and save myself a trip back here to edit it.
Courtesy Reforma:
~ From Reforma:
"Cd. de México (18 septiembre 2020).- Pese al discurso oficial, las masacres en México no han cesado. En lo que va del año se han registrado al menos 45 casos en donde, en un mismo hecho, han asesinado a sangre fría a cinco o más personas en 20 estados.
[Oscar Uscanga
Mexico City (September 18, 2020) .- Despite the official discourse, the massacres in Mexico have not stopped. So far this year there have been at least 45 cases in which, in the same act, five or more people have been murdered in cold blood in 20 states.]
En total, las masacres en México le han quitado la vida este año a 320 personas en los estados de Guanajuato, Michoacán, Guerrero, Puebla, Durango, Zacatecas, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Baja California, Chihuahua, Morelos, Colima, Nuevo León, Sonora, Oaxaca, Estado de México, Chiapas, Tabasco y San Luis Potosí.
[In total, the massacres in Mexico have killed 320 people this year in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Guerrero, Puebla, Durango, Zacatecas, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Baja California, Chihuahua, Morelos, Colima, Nuevo León , Sonora, Oaxaca, State of Mexico, Chiapas, Tabasco and San Luis Potosí.]
Para el especialista en seguridad de World Justice Project en México, Juan Salgado, estos crímenes son posibles principalmente porque la impunidad impera en las entidades.
[For the security specialist of the World Justice Project in Mexico, Juan Salgado, these crimes are possible mainly because impunity reigns in the entities.]
"Creo que tiene que darse un apoyo muchísimo más fuerte al modelo nacional de Policías, que consiste en fortalecer a las corporaciones de los municipios porque se está dando la mayor parte de recursos a la Guardia Nacional, pero se tiene que hacer una reforma que vaya de abajo para arriba", consideró.
["I believe that much stronger support must be given to the national police model, which consists of strengthening the municipal corporations because most of the resources are being given to the National Guard, but a reform has to be carried out that will from the bottom up, "he considered.]
Un recuento similar de masacres fue realizado por la organización Causa en Común, que entre enero y agosto contabilizó 479 casos, en los que tomó en cuenta hechos donde asesinaron a tres personas o más.
[A similar count of massacres was carried out by the Causa en Común organization, which between January and August counted 479 cases, in which it took into account events where three or more people were murdered.]
El primero de septiembre, en su mensaje por el Segundo Informe de Gobierno, el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador manifestó que en México ya no había desapariciones ni masacres.
[ On September 1, in his message for the Second Government Report, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that in Mexico there were no longer disappearances or massacres.]
"Ya no hay torturas, desapariciones ni masacres; se respetan los derechos humanos y se castiga al culpable sea quien sea", afirmó en Palacio Nacional."
["There is no longer torture, disappearances or massacres; human rights are respected and the guilty is punished whoever he is," he said in the National Palace.]
Aha...and then he includes the video:
~ From Zeta:
" Ahi Estan Las Mascres !, je,je,je", Burla AMLO Del Reforma
Por, Carlos Alvarez 09/18/20
""Let's see, put the first of the Reformation, in one of those we found it. There it is, look. There are the massacres! Heh, heh, heh. They are predictable, very obvious ”, said this Friday, September 18, while laughing, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The newspaper Reforma published this same day, in its main article, that “despite the official discourse, the massacres in Mexico have not stopped. So far this year there have been at least 45 cases in which, in the same act, five or more people have been murdered in cold blood in 20 states ”.
According to the same newspaper, in total, the massacres in Mexico have registered 320 deaths, in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Guerrero, Puebla, Durango, Zacatecas, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Baja California, Chihuahua, Morelos, Colima, Nuevo León, Sonora, Oaxaca, State of Mexico, Chiapas, Tabasco and San Luis Potosí.
The newspaper recalled that on September 1, in his message for the Second Government Report, López Obrador stated that in Mexico “there is no longer torture, disappearance or massacres; human rights are respected and the guilty is punished whoever he is ”.
A little note to Norman, who is now working in a Rehab Facility in Rosarito Beach : Please be careful, we worry about you all the time.
And a little tune to take our woes away from all the disasters...will return ....Stay Safe Y'all !
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