
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Case Of Breonna Taylor: Protests Erupt Across The Nation - The Barton Gellman Report Courtesy The Atlantic: " The Election That Could Break America" - UPDATE/edit 09/26: Adding A Report For Bryan re: Gun Control In Racist America

 Like most of you, we have been watching the CNN coverage of the protests which have broken out across the nation in response to the Grand Jury decisions in the Breonna Taylor case. If these protests turn violent (already two police officers have been shot in Kentucky), all bets are off, Trump could easily win the upcoming Presidential election.

Here are the current updates:

 ~ From CNN:

 Live Updates:

Breonna Taylor Protests Erupt Across the US



Brian said...

The police, just like soldiers, have a license to kill in the dispatch of their duties. Over the course of history there have been far too many instances of war crimes and excessive use of force up to and including executing criminal suspects. Usually this results in collective grieving and public manifestations of outrage as well as calls of "never again". Time passes, nothing is done and history continues to repeat itself. The facile approach includes defunding or, at a minimum, reforming the procedures which the police can use in enforcing the laws. Rarely, if ever, do people question why we need police in the first place. It is because we as a society, for whatever reason, cannot or will not live our lives in a peaceful manner. In America, the majority of people who possess firearms do so for self-protection they say. The laws allow deadly force to be used in self-defense. In other words, fear is the driving force in the decision to purchase a handgun and its requisite license to kill. If America would completely eradicate such weapons from our communities in the first place, the circle of fear could be broken. Then the role of police, acting as soldiers on our streets, could also be effectively changed as well. Neither the people nor the authorities would have the license to kill to hide behind.
License to Kill (Bob Dylan) Performed by Maria Muldaur & Jenni Muldaur
License to Kill (Bob Dylan) Performed by Maria Muldaur & Jenni Muldaur

Brian said...

The police, just like soldiers, have a license to kill in the dispatch of their duties. Over the course of history there have been far too many instances of war crimes and excessive use of force up to and including executing criminal suspects. Usually this results in collective grieving and public manifestations of outrage as well as calls of "never again". Time passes, nothing is done and history continues to repeat itself. The facile approach includes defunding or, at a minimum, reforming the procedures which the police can use in enforcing the laws. Rarely, if ever, do people question why we need police in the first place. It is because we as a society, for whatever reason, cannot or will not live our lives in a peaceful manner. In America, the majority of people who possess firearms do so for self-protection they say. The laws allow deadly force to be used in self-defense. In other words, fear is the driving force in the decision to purchase a handgun and its requisite license to kill. If America would completely eradicate such weapons from our communities in the first place, the circle of fear could be broken. Then the role of police, acting as soldiers on our streets, could also be effectively changed as well. Neither the people nor the authorities would have the license to kill to hide behind.
License to Kill (Bob Dylan) Performed by Maria Muldaur & Jenni Muldaur
License to Kill (Bob Dylan) Performed by Maria Muldaur & Jenni Muldaur

Maggie said...

Thanks Brian...and love that song. Well, you will never convince our society to disarm. I think if you stood at a podium and gave a speech using your same words, it is unfortunate but at least 99.9 % of the crowd would laugh at you and then some idiot would probably just shoot you and get it over with. So, in a utopian society you would expect that no arms would be the norm, and if it wasn't it would be considered outrageous. But we live in a dystopian society, that is the reality.

And despite being hunters and gatherers, our ancestors used violence against each other and others outside of their territories - so you could argue this notion of fear/survival is firmly implanted in our genes, or at least in our collective consciousness. Excuses, excuses.

Weirdly, the numero uno reason we moved down here was to escape the violence & pollution & corruption in the States, yet here we are smack in the middle of the worst of it. I'm beginning to think there is no escape, even in the most remote places on earth. So, not seeing a disarmed society in the near future, the question begs, where will the stress of living under these conditions take us? Will we all lose our minds?

I'm horribly embarrassed to admit when watching British cop shows (i.e. "Endeavor"), I start jumping up and down when the unarmed good guys (cops or detectives) are being pursued by the armed bad guys & start screaming - ' careful, be careful he has a gun! RUN!'... then I turn to Mike and say, you know those cops should be armed. Bad me.

Back to the salt mines, forgive me for being negative would be fantastic if we were all evolved enough to pattern ourselves on your advise.

Not for defunding at all

Maggie said...

Thanks Brian...and love that song. Well, you will never convince our society to disarm. I think if you stood at a podium and gave a speech using your same words, it is unfortunate but at least 99.9 % of the crowd would laugh at you and then some idiot would probably just shoot you and get it over with. So, in a utopian society you would expect that no arms would be the norm, and if it wasn't it would be considered outrageous. But we live in a dystopian society, that is the reality.

And despite being hunters and gatherers, our ancestors used violence against each other and others outside of their territories - so you could argue this notion of fear/survival is firmly implanted in our genes, or at least in our collective consciousness. Excuses, excuses.

Weirdly, the numero uno reason we moved down here was to escape the violence & pollution & corruption in the States, yet here we are smack in the middle of the worst of it. I'm beginning to think there is no escape, even in the most remote places on earth. So, not seeing a disarmed society in the near future, the question begs, where will the stress of living under these conditions take us? Will we all lose our minds?

I'm horribly embarrassed to admit when watching British cop shows (i.e. "Endeavor"), I start jumping up and down when the unarmed good guys (cops or detectives) are being pursued by the armed bad guys & start screaming - ' careful, be careful he has a gun! RUN!'... then I turn to Mike and say, you know those cops should be armed. Bad me.

Back to the salt mines, forgive me for being negative would be fantastic if we were all evolved enough to pattern ourselves on your advise.

Not for defunding at all

Maggie said...

Check it out Brian:

~ From Counterpunch: Arming the Planet: The USA As The World's Leading Weapons Dealer
by, Melvin Goodman 09/23/20.

You'll have to google it in.


Maggie said...

Check it out Brian:

~ From Counterpunch: Arming the Planet: The USA As The World's Leading Weapons Dealer
by, Melvin Goodman 09/23/20.

You'll have to google it in.
