Once again, a quick blog; have to get up early and go back to SD to Cartiology, no biggie, just need to do a test which is putting a delay in the surgery.
I saw this yesterday, and since I don't subscribe to the San Diego Union, unknown if they or KPBS covered this event. The video is on the link:
~ From Zeta: VIDEO on the link:
CBP Sometio Con Brutalidad a Mexicanos que Cruzaron a EU Por Plays de Tijuana (VIDEO)
Destacados Alejandro Arturo Villa - martes, 23 agosto, 2022 5:03 PM
CBP Brutally Subdued Mexicans Who Crossed Into the US Through Playas de Tijuana
The CBP press office in San Diego informed ZETA that the two detained migrants were of Mexican origin, one 17 years old and the other 20.
"At least three elements of the Office of Customs and Border Protection of the United States (CBP, its acronym in English) brutally subdued a minor and a 20-year-old man, dressed in surfing suits who crossed illegally to the American side by Playas deTijuana.
The immigrants crossed by sea and upon reaching the California coast surrendered to CBP officers; however, the submission of the two young men, who had already surrendered, caused them to protest and a brawl developed between them and the American officers.
About a hundred people who attended Playas de Tijuana on Sunday, August 21, 2022, witnessed the detention with excessive use of force, who booed and shouted ("PUTAS ") condemnation of the actions of immigration agents against the two men who were forced into the sand by submission.
Regarding the events that occurred at 5:10 p.m. on the aforementioned day, ZETA requested information regarding the detention from CBP, who first responded that they could not comment on the incident, since there is an ongoing investigation by the Federal Office of Investigations (FBI, its acronym in English).
However, in a second communication between this weekly and the CBP press office in San Diego, CBP reported that the two detained migrants were of Mexican origin, one 17 years old and the other a 20-year-old.
They confirmed that the events occurred at 5:10 p.m., when Border Patrol agents responded to arrest two migrants who entered the US illegally by swimming around the primary fence of the International Maritime Border, near Imperial Beach, California.
“When the agents tried to stop both migrants, they actively resisted and assaulted the agents. During the confrontation, officers deployed less lethal devices. An unaccompanied 17-year-old Mexican youth and a 20-year-old Mexican adult were detained and taken to a nearby station for processing,” they told ZETA.
This weekly newspaper requested information from the FBI about the investigation they are carrying out regarding this case, however, they refused to give details because the investigation "does not have any comment, since it is an ongoing matter."
On the other hand, through her official Twitter account, Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores published a video from the other side of the border wall where the aggression against immigrants is seen up close. In the text of the publication, she indicated that CBP agents from the San Diego sector boarded and arrested "suspected smugglers at the border."
Border Patrol Agents assigned to San Diego Sector tackle and arrest suspected smugglers at the border. #HonorFirst #MeanGreen pic.twitter.com/UqVYBDIBB3
– Mayra Flores (@MayraFlores2022) August 22, 2022
The Republican is of Mexican origin and obtained her seat in the US Congress last June, after winning the election for the 34th District of Texas; She is currently seeking re-election and has stood out in the upper chamber of the Capitol as one of the critical voices of President Joe Biden."
I smell a rat. So, here we are where only days before, Tijuana and much of Baja was literally in flames, violent chaos and armed criminals ran amuck on the streets. During that period of time, not only were there road blockades, but at least 15 automobiles and buses set aflame(TIJ) and to top it off during the 2-3 day period of unrest, over a dozen people were executed just in Tijuana. And, the carnage continued for several more days down in Ensenada and Rosarito.
Now keep in mind that AMLO has called this violence (which not only happened here but throughout Mexico) "propaganda" unleashed by his political enemies effectively sweeping it under the rug.
I have watched this video several times. Admittedly, we have witnessed brutality from sectors of Law Enforcement both in the USA and Mexico towards migrantes in the past several years which have been more than disturbing. However, I did not think the CBP Agents in Playas acted with brutality. They were doing their job.
Can you imagine what would have happened if a gringo physically attacked a Mexican Policeman, Army, Marino or National Guard? End of story. I don't think they would ever find the body.
Presently the USA is on high alert due to the violence in Mexico (to date, other than the riots just days ago, we are up to 141 executions this month just in TIJ) - we saw it with our own little eyeballs, and even the Mexican people cooled it here and completely stayed off the streets for days, it was scary. No one knows one hundred percent when and if it will happen again. Is what happened today in Michoacan an indicator of yet another country wide outbreak ? Here, the thinking is: maybe the next time, "they" will pull us out of our vehicles, set the vehicle on fire and shoot us...just like they did in Ciudad Juarez. That is not being paranoid or hysterical, it is being realistic.
The report mentions several times that one of those arrested at Playas was a minor, almost as if he deserved a break. (the minors in Obrera didn't get a break) Tragically, a commonplace practice both here and in the States is referred to as "Jumpin'in" or a test, a ritual of initiation to join in a gang or organized crime. Is that what was happening with the at least the minor in this case? A daredevil attempt to swim out and around the barrier in bacterial infested waters and confront CBP ? Surely this was not about seeking asylum, it was about making trouble. Well at least both will be held in detention where they can brag about how brave they were to their amigos - but they won't be so brave for long if they don't get a Hepatitis shot.
I question the timing both of the video and the crowds. Was this a pre-planned event to distract from the violence being experienced in Mexico as we speak ?An attempt to lay and shift the blame somewhere else and re-focus the people's attention away from looking at their own Government ? Nothing would surprise me down here anymore. BTW, there were many 17 to 20 year olds involved with the violence we witnessed here and throughout Mexico just days ago.
Just sayin.
On a lighter note....Down By The Riverside
![]() |
Flood Factor™:Extreme This property’s flood risk is increasing. |
Y'all know how I feel about Ouray, Colorado. So, check it out, I found a house, ( right next to the Uncompahgre River)but of course I can't buy it - I need to win the lottery. Plus, I'm not sure who would be willing to buy this, especially since it is in a flood zone right next to the river(read about it on the link under "environmental risks") which will be exacerbated by climate change.😞😞 And then, there's the one up the coast at La Selva....just dreamin. Take care y'all.
Appears like it was all staged to make BP look bad.
Trying to get entry to the US in a wetsuit ? Ridiculous.
And in a heavily patrolled spot?
With a large crowd watching the
so called brutality ? The agents did what they were trained to do.
Could these individuals be linked to those who were torching vehicles lately. There are a lot of youngs that are willing to do this type of stuff for money. Just saying.
Yep. We cannot be 100 % certain that these two fellows were part of the "riots" here, but c'mon y'all, they certainly displayed the same type of morally abhorrent behavior.If they were part of the episodes here which even Zeta has described as "terrorism", should we expect more acts against our agents in the future?
I guess the FBI will find out for sure, but it is hard to say if they will make those findings public. Meanwhile, just hoping the BP & CBP guys and gals use caution.
Speaking of the gals, in the first part of that video, one CBP gal runs back as the skirmish intensifies - what was that about ? Did she forget her radio ? She was a big gal, check it out.
Oh finally, the damn humidity finally broke thank goodness.
Take it easy & gracias for the comment.
Okay, don't mean to beat a dead horse but we were taking about what you said last night. I haven't been able to drive up and see for myself, but as far as a "heavily patrolled area" where this took place, I've been reassured that for the majority of time, there is always at least one US BP vehicle parked and watching (practically on the beach) where this happened and more positioned behind that.
So, you are correct - who would want to chance instant arrest ? Doesn't make sense.
Meanwhile keep an eye on Pulse, they have the scoop & here we are way over 170
executions/homicidios this month...in TIJ. Heck, one found on the Scenic Hwy down by Baja Mar. Christ.
Take care...
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