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From the New York Times |
Brian sent over a link the other day on the "Stagecoach Chile" blog regarding some aspects of the brutality of the drug wars here in Mexico. Another problem I did not address while briefly chatting with him was that I think there is simply no audience/ market for the drug war news: everyone knows about it and everyone is basically burned out on it. Importantly; everyone is nervous and everyone is scared. There is an incredible amount of anger as opposed to sadness over the direction Mexico is going under AMLO; not to mention the half-million angry Mexican people who demonstrated in the Zocalo against AMLO's repressive measures. Oh right...500,000 people just in Mexico City - and yet the number was minimized by the AMLO sycophants to merely 90,000. Of course it was minimized.
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"Very little tolerance" indeed: have you noticed that journalists and politicians alike all across the nation who do not tow the line have simply vanished ? (Even Morenistas) Poof, gone. It will come as no surprise to any of us that AMLO's unification of the guard and Military is also being looked at askew and rather shall we say, authoritarian. Anything remember - perceived or real deemed to be askew is plainly put, crooked. Nervous yet? Problem is or one of them at least, the drug guys ain't nervous, at all. They are on a roll.
Still, there were 140 plus executions in Tijuana last month and we are off to a roaring start this month of March. And even still, there were several killings in the States due to lack of and sloppy gun control. But before we all fade away into denial, it would probably be a good idea for y'all to keep abreast of local and national events in both countries.
Be prepared to be pulled over and searched by the Mexican Army with automatic weapons entering Mexico at Chaparral in TIJ (and these guys are rough) - especially if thou art a gringo. Why do I get the distinct feeling AMLO gave the order to do this because he just does not like gringos - except he liked Donald Trump. What a sketchy disaster.
I'm going to be out of circulation for a few weeks - wish me luck with the knee - so here are at least some of the Mexico links:
These guys both are hot, hot, hot:
Easily understood, in English. Read it like the the Bible:
Locally: (don't miss all the sections)
Of course, say a little prayer for the Ukraine. Did anyone find out when AMLO is going to visit Moscow ?
Take care.
Brian, thanks for the comments.
I lost my first reply, but to wrap it up...I don't remember that scene from Traffic and I am unsure I could watch it again. However you are correct - in the USA, there has been a saturation point reached regarding the violence in Mexico with the exception of targeted gringos...and even in those cases, the attention fades rapidly.
But through interaction and observation, I am finding the Mexican folks (at least locally) are burned out on the constant violence reporting. Most likely I think, they are just too afraid to say anything because of it's prevalence. It is right next door to them and constant.
Another factor is due to the general instability and dangerous conditions, rumors abound. For instance, people ARE OPENLY QUESTIONING WHETHER THE ARMED FORCES HERE ARE ACTUALLY GUARDING THE DRUG GUYS AND now of course, will there be more gringo kidnappings and murders where the perpetrators walk under the veil of impunity.
Mixed messaging coming from Mexico City - i.e. AMLO who has praised Danny Ortega repeatedly in the recent past is now welcoming his rivals and inviting them to live in Mexico. Well, too bad no one did that just a very few years ago when Danny and Lady MacBeth butchered and murdered hundreds of the demonstrators. So, extreme unreliability on official information which is just making everything even more insecure.
You are correct: It is just not worth it.
60 years ago...came here with our good friends the Rosenthals; Dinner at Puerto Nuevo which only had three tiny little houses on the property. You ate in one of the homes, no electicity of course, in front of a huge fireplace, the floors were dirt, babies running around barefoot and happy. The lobster dinner (not imported - real lobster which doesn't exist down here anymore)
including homemade beans and tortillas, sodas out of the bottle...one dollar perperson.
Those were the days.
Take care.
P.S. Keep an eye on AMLO, to the less well off and less educated population here, he seems to be hammering the message (even if inbetween the lines) that the root cause of all of Mexico's problems is the United States.
So mucho blame laying going on which is unhealthy and creates him as the savior.
Going to go have some tea & toast.
Yes it is not like it once was but I am lucky as you and Brian having great memories from the past.
I agree that the constant barrage of cartel violence has made much of the population feeling "so what else is new". This attitude allows the violence to continue.
IMO the AMLO strategy is a failure, nothing has improved, just alot of military on the streets.
Daniel Ortega a complete disappointment. Another A-hole for the world.
Best of luck with the knee!
Yes , and thanks for the comment. (few and far between around here)
I didn't mean to sound like some kind of child imperialist doting on the inexpensive cost of a lobster dinner and the rugged living conditions here back years ago. It was a time of innocence to me at any rate. It was a joyous occasion to be invited into a home filled with warmth and love, to surf and swim and snorkle in the clean ocean and I miss those those days. Paradise lost. Unfortunately creeping no so quietly in the background were the developers and speculators rubbing their greedy little hands together ready to swoop in and spoil everything - and this includes both Mexicans and gringos. Esta es la vida.
Meanwhile, I heard a wild one today up in San Diego. Went to Coronado to have two tests done, we were all talking about the kidnappings and killings in Matamoros. One person said, "...the United States knows it will never stop the drugs|violence or the cartels because Mexico is completely reliant on that economy. If it were to be stopped completely, there would be unending and total chaos and neither the US or Canada want to deal with anarchy on their borders."
That is the first time I ever heard that, scary.
Onward to the knee, thank you just want to get it over with and recover !
Thanks again,
P.S. I almost forgot (tired): the nurses were super pissed off over the contamination coming from TIJ wreaking havoc on the Coronado Beaches. "..the signs are always up" they said, "you cannot go in the water." Lots of animosity.
I don't understand this, didn't we just give them several millions of dollars to help clean this up?(against the advise of many) No word on that aspect or outcome down here, what a mess.
Another storm to hit us Fri-Saturday.
OK so I answered my own question: Yes, we have committed to helping the Mexicans with the cross-border pollution problem. Personally, I don't think this is ever going to be fixed either in Rosarito or TIJ or Ensenada.. Drive south and see for yourselves the massive developments of housing on the east side of the scenic highway: thousands and thousands of housing units - and where is the infrastructure to support these developments?
I have not seen notification of this bi-national agreement down here, and importantly there has to my knowledge been no updates on any progress... after seven months ?!!!
I'll link the report:
US, Mexico pledge half a billion dollars to fight cross-border pollution from Tijuana River sewage
If that link doesn't come up, go here: (google in)
"US, Mexico pledge half a billion dollars to fight cross-border pollution from Tijuana River sewage "
Comment did not post.
Google in:
"US, Mexico pledge half a billion dollars to fight cross-border pollution from Tijuana sewage."
Well that was 7 months ago...no reports on this agreement down here, particularly no reports on any progress.
350 Million down the drain ? Maybe.
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