A continuation of events surrounding the drug war and related social issues of Baja California and Mexico. Keeping an eye on Seig Heil Trump. We are still trying to restore all blogs from 2006 which were hacked by Linton Robinson and his team, famous for supporting the Baja Trump Towers on one of his real estate sites. Highlights of Paris-Simone's favorite music !!
We are going to come back to Tennessee which is a huge deal; I did notice that despite the Mexican Government's warning to the people of Mexico NOTto go into the ocean water due to the contamination, they did anyway. Unbelievable. Also, stats coming up but not today.
Did the Easter Bunny come to your house?
Here, I'm in the middle of making wild rice, limping around in the kitchen. I also have a recipe for apoppy seed booze cake which I will post later.Mike is making a cucumber salad.
So, Happy Easter for the time being. 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
Berkeley Riot: Adding this 04/17/17 Gosh those White Supremacists are sure brave hitting women. What an asshole, and these are the types of people who support Donald Trump in the USA. Video below.
We have been painting, Mike has been changing fixtures and shut off valves to supply lines, and both of us cleaning up water for days in addition to watching the maniac Trump pounding his chest with more frightening aggression with the "Mother Of All Bombs" and possible-probable North Korean (note Noam Chomsky interview) conflict. What happened with the water is that we suspect CESPTE obviously did not calculate pressure when they turned the H20 back on and pilas, toilets, sinks, wash machines and hoses have been blowing throughout SADM. We had three inches of water downstairs, water water everywhere.
The streets of SADM were flooded with water. Right at this moment two doors down from us a street water line burst yesterday, CESPT was alerted and they never showed up, what a disaster. Locally the executions continue all the way down to San Quintin, more narco mantas and threats to police officials, but nothing will stop the parade of Mexican families who are bound and determined to go to the beach during Semana Santa. I'll be back with those stats. Meanwhile, Paris jumps into the bathtub to get her bathers, I'll try to get a picture.
UPDATE/edit 04/16: CESPT arrived early this morning and are fixing the street line.
Importantly, more anti and pro Trump demonstrators clash, again in Berkeley. It's difficult for me to believe that redneck Trump supporters actually live in Berkeley, unfortunately they do live there and across the nation. I think we will see more of these types of demonstrations, everywhere. I agree with Allan Nairn:
UPDATE/edit 04/17/2017: Check out this video, it is wild; nothing happened since the initial demonstration but most likely plans are being made. It should be noted that the "conventional" media is calling this a "brawl". This was not a brawl, it was a riot. It should also be noted that the "conventional" media seems to make it appear as though the woman had her fist up and the first to strike. Watch the video, yes her fist went up, after she was hit.
More links on the sidebar: Common Dreams, Truthdig,Counterpunch, The Intercept et al !!
The Orange Maniac
Okay at some point I'll return with the drug war events in our region. Going to make a lamb & wild rice tomorrow, already made the cranberries and poppy seed cake, throwing in some asparagus. Couldn't put out baskets because of Paris the little scoundrel. Happy Easter !
UPDATE/edit 04/16/2017: (Love the comments, especially , "Ivanka where are you ?")
Berkeley Riot: Adding this 04/17/17 Gosh those White Supremacists are sure brave hitting women. What an asshole, and these are the types of people who support Donald Trump in the USA. Video below.
We have been painting, Mike has been changing fixtures and shut off valves to supply lines, and both of us cleaning up water for days in addition to watching the maniac Trump pounding his chest with more frightening aggression with the "Mother Of All Bombs" and possible-probable North Korean (note Noam Chomsky interview) conflict. What happened with the water is that we suspect CESPTE obviously did not calculate pressure when they turned the H20 back on and pilas, toilets, sinks, wash machines and hoses have been blowing throughout SADM. We had three inches of water downstairs, water water everywhere.
The streets of SADM were flooded with water. Right at this moment two doors down from us a street water line burst yesterday, CESPT was alerted and they never showed up, what a disaster. Locally the executions continue all the way down to San Quintin, more narco mantas and threats to police officials, but nothing will stop the parade of Mexican families who are bound and determined to go to the beach during Semana Santa. I'll be back with those stats. Meanwhile, Paris jumps into the bathtub to get her bathers, I'll try to get a picture.
UPDATE/edit 04/16: CESPT arrived early this morning and are fixing the street line.
Importantly, more anti and pro Trump demonstrators clash, again in Berkeley. It's difficult for me to believe that redneck Trump supporters actually live in Berkeley, unfortunately they do live there and across the nation. I think we will see more of these types of demonstrations, everywhere. I agree with Allan Nairn:
UPDATE/edit 04/17/2017: Check out this video, it is wild; nothing happened since the initial demonstration but most likely plans are being made. It should be noted that the "conventional" media is calling this a "brawl". This was not a brawl, it was a riot. It should also be noted that the "conventional" media seems to make it appear as though the woman had her fist up and the first to strike. Watch the video, yes her fist went up, after she was hit.
More links on the sidebar: Common Dreams, Truthdig,Counterpunch, The Intercept et al !!
The Orange Maniac
Okay at some point I'll return with the drug war events in our region. Going to make a lamb & wild rice tomorrow, already made the cranberries and poppy seed cake, throwing in some asparagus. Couldn't put out baskets because of Paris the little scoundrel. Happy Easter !
UPDATE/edit 04/16/2017: (Love the comments, especially , "Ivanka where are you ?")