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Edith Heath Pottery! Hippie dishes ! |
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Edith Heath |
For eons I have had a pottery addiction - I've managed to collect a complete set of red marked Spode (which was stashed in the basement of a person's house in London during WWII), a set of Mason's Regency (with the little bug) from 1949 also from England, many James Borsey /Wade of Ireland pieces and early (pre WWII )Rosenthal pieces from Europe. For everyday use, I've stuck with Franciscan Desert Rose pieces from the '50's.
Just prior to the virus, I had my eye set on Edith Health pieces of dinnerware which I always wanted but were too expensive for me. Actually, you can still buy freshly made Edith Heath , and I love the redwood plates, but they are pricey. So lately during the virus I've been able to pick up several dinner and salad plates from ebay from across the country. Since I missed the Edith Heath boat for years, I feel I'm making up for lost time and Mike really likes them. So far, I've collected 6 perfect Rimmed Mojave dinner plates ,3 rimmed Mojaves with just a bit of damage, one perfect avocado 1970's cereal bowl, and several 71/2 rimmed salad plates in the redwood and brown colors . So, it looks like these will be our go to plates now, and it's lots of fun - a destressor in the time of the virus.
Hope you guys out there are holding up and staying healthy.
The Local Drug War Stats:
Zeta reports this morning the month of March ended with 162 executions in Tijuana, giving Tijuana a YTD total 476 dead. Statewide, YTD recorded are 633 executions. So, you can see a tiny reduction, but not much. It is still at the point where the drug war deaths far outnumber the virus deaths. In fact, you can get a birds eye view of 40% of the drugland territories here.
Cierra Marzo Con 162 Homicidios Dolosos en Tijuana
The Covid Virus Stats, Local & Nationwide:
First of all, I am still waiting on reports regarding the 28 - 70 students infected by the virus in Cabo San Lucas, BCS. What we don't know with absolute certainty is if these people were infected prior to their flight, or even became infected on their private flight down to Cabo. Plus we don't know how many other people were infected by these students down in Cabo or how many other people were infected by the students when several of them took a public flight home. So, before we start jumping through hoops, let's keep an eye on this situation; however, these students were really dumb - the US government had issued an advisory warning for non-essential travel but they, the students chose to travel anyways. Speaking of travel, Mike reports only four of the Sentri Lanes have been open very early in the mornings and the lines are backed up once again with tons of people crossing into the USA in the normal lanes at San Ysido POE. Unsure of where they are going - work related?
Keep in mind these numbers will change and here is a link from WHO if you are following the virus around the globe with daily updates.
~ All Reports From Zeta: 04/01/20
Suman Tres Muertes en Baja California por Civid-19, Uno en Tijuana y Dos en Mexicali
Por, Uriel Saucedo
"The deaths in Baja California by COVID-19 have already accumulated two more cases, in addition to the one reported yesterday in the city of Mexicali, with three cases until this Wednesday, April 1, reported the state secretary of Health, Alonso Pérez Rico, during the morning conference.
The victims are two men, one from Tijuana and the other from Mexicali, one between the ages of 50 and 54, and the other between the ages of 60 and 64. All three had obesity problems and diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
With 43 confirmed cases, 15 in Tijuana and 28 in Mexicali, Baja California continues in position number 11 in the states of the republic with a patient infected with COVID-19; One of these patients is a woman 7 months pregnant, who became infected after a family member returned from abroad.
Pérez Rico reported that out of every 100 tests that are done, 15 are coming out positive, also indicated that of the 43 positives, 26 are recovering at home and eight have had to be hospitalized.
149 people are suspected, 83 from Tijuana, 38 in Mexicali, 22 in Ensenada, 2 in Playas de Rosarito, 1 in Tecate and 3 in Vicente Guerrero, San Quintín. Among the suspects is the case of a one-month-old baby, who presented symptoms after the mother tested positive.
He stressed that in patients who have died, they have realized that they died four or five days after presenting the first symptoms. Some characteristics of infected people are that they are mostly men, between 45 and 54 years old, and have a history of smoking, hiv, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
The Secretary of Health emphasized that COVID-19 is a disease that can affect all groups in society regardless of age, so he invited citizens to continue with preventive actions, such as healthy distance, avoiding leaving Unless necessary, do not make any contact when greeting, constantly washing your hands, or using antibacterial gel, and avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
For his part, the governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla, spoke of the arbitrary increases in food stores, said that these actions, raising prices, hiding the merchandise and generating the idea that there are food shortages, will incite the population for him to loot.
"They can't do that because the only result is going to be that people are going to get angry and forcefully enter those markets. My recommendation is not to be voracious, give the prices that they should be, because they are creating very bad faith throughout the community, and no government will see them overlap.
We are not in favor of any looting, but we are also not in favor of the commercial abuse that they are doing to the public, "stressed Bonilla Valdez.
Of the Integrative Migrant Center, he said that they have 193 people, well below capacity, so they are planning to use the center installed in Mexicali, as a hospital for those infected with COVID-19."
The local medical supply Information:
Incertidumbre por Falta de Sumistros - 03/27/20
Por, Angela Torres Lozano y Uriel Saucedo
"With a population of 3.3 million inhabitants, Health Secretary Alfonso Pérez Rico estimates that in Baja California there will be 5 thousand people infected by coronavirus, 500 of severity. The official explained that not all health personnel will receive protective equipment, "they will be delivered according to the level of exposure they will have with COVID-19 patients," he announced."
Doctors and nurses from all health institutions in Baja California are in uncertainty about the challenge they face due to the arrival of the COVID-19 virus in the State, and they do not have the infrastructure and sufficient medical supply.
In the week that ends, the administrators of clinics and hospitals of the Social Security of Tijuana, Playas de Rosarito and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), reported that employees who were over 65 years old or Morbidity -hypertension, obesity, diabetes, or some immunosuppressive disease- would not show up for work. Those who would continue to work would have to do so without protective equipment.
At IMSS Regional Hospital Number 1, doctors reported that they put together their kits to care for patients arriving with respiratory diseases, regardless of whether it is COVID-19 or some other.
"In a plastic bag we put gloves, a mouthpiece that we can get, a disposable hat, a gown and glasses, but when their validity ends we have to discard them, it is obvious that we are afraid," said an employee.
At Clinica 17, located in Rosarito, another worker reiterated: "We do not have enough respirators for other illnesses, much less for a contingency like the one that is going to start because of COVID-19."
In the Institute of Security and Social Services for Government and Municipal Workers of the State of Baja California (Issstecali) the situation is not better.
“A few days ago a woman came, not so old, she has a picture and initial diagnosis for atypical pneumonia, but it is not that, and they did not want to do the coronavirus test because she had no travel history, but she was negative for influenza and all the others, so they did it and we are waiting for results, but now nobody wants to get closer, we have no way to protect ourselves ”, he explained.
In this situation, some doctors from IMSS clinics have decided to ask the public for donations and to buy special suits from their bags. They know that the directors of the Institute have this team, but they keep it safe, for when the high point of the pandemic occurs.
“Here we have (sic) several doctors that we are getting the teams, cardiologists, internists mainly, intensivists, pediatricians, geriatricians; as well as pulmonologists, epidemiologists, and infectologists, who will be the first line of defense. Please ask for support, ”said Doctor José Juan Trasviña Torres, through a live broadcast on March 25 from Plaza Las Palmas .
On the night of March 22, Mexico entered Phase 2 of the pandemic, in an announcement made by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to the refusal of the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to accept the seriousness of the illness.
In Baja California, the first case of a patient confirmed with COVID-19 without having a travel history was registered on the night of Sunday, March 22 in Mexicali.
The statewide Phase 2 announcement was made the morning of March 24. The Secretary of Health, Alfonso Pérez Rico, accompanied by Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez, announced that they would initiate other measures, in addition to the social distancing that they had been promoting for weeks.
They asked for support - they did not order - the closure of clubs, bars, gyms, churches and any non-essential establishments, and reported that the police would patrol beaches and parks to avoid crowds for entertainment purposes.
Another of the announced preventive measures was the reconversion of general hospitals, such as care centers for patients with COVID-19, which would imply the cancellation of scheduled non-vital surgeries, postponement of outpatient consultations and transfer of patients with other pathologies to other institutions. medical.
In Baja California -which has 3.3 million inhabitants according to the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics- it is estimated that around 5,000 people become infected with COVID-19, that is if its population abides by prevention and social distancing that have been promoted for three weeks.
Of those possible 5,000 cases, around 500 people will require hospitalization because of the virus or complications of their disease morbidity.
"In the third phase scenarios, where we are already talking about an epidemic dispersion, we are talking about 500 people who would need to hospitalize in the following three months," said Pérez Rico.
With social distancing measures, "the scenario we want is for those 500 to be, but in the next eight or nine months."
In any of the two scenarios, the plan is that the General Hospitals of Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada would become the center of care for all patients with COVID-19, with a capacity of 150 beds available in each one, that is, 450 beds and 120 respirators throughout Baja California.
“We are going to have certain hospitals that are going to be designated as headquarters of COVID-19. There we will have the doctors who will manage all the patients with the disease, there we will have the highest concentration of supplies and those who will require a ventilator, ”he pointed out.
“Right now we don't need many beds, but we want to plan for when we have them. If we never use them, that's good, but yes, we need them to be there. "
Although they announced that the reconversion would start on March 23, at the close of this edition, there was not even the result of the census made between Health personnel and patients to determine how many would be transferred to other institutions.
Meanwhile, the rest of the patients who come to the Emergency Department, for services that do not have to do with respiratory diseases, will also be redirected to other ISSSTE hospitals, Issstecali and IMSS.
The strategy of turning General Hospitals into care centers for COVID-19 worries the workers of that institution in Tijuana. Interviewed, some say they have been trained while others deny it, in which all agree, is that they have not received the equipment that allows them to protect themselves from contagion. They also reported that medications are lacking and that the building is not in a condition to accommodate large numbers of patients requiring hospitalization.
Employees of the Health Sector who asked to omit their names detailed: “The situation in the General Hospital of Tijuana is a bit critical, we do not have enough supplies to solve the COVID-19 cases that may occur, we do not have mouth covers, we do not have gel antibacterial, we don't have enough soap. Nor have we seen that the equipment has arrived, such as the protective suit, we have not even had a meeting to know how we are going to work if there is a large influx of infected patients. "
One of the main concerns of hospital workers is the risk of contagion to their families because they work without protection and continue to wait for them to deliver what is required in a contingency like the current one: glasses, protective suit, covers mouths N95, boots , Hat and gloves
"Although not all staff will be in contact with infected patients, we will be at risk because we work in the same place, and all medical and nursing staff are in constant contact," said one of those affected.
As an example, they cited the German woman who entered the hospital facilities on March 16 as a suspected case of COVID-19. At that time, the paramedics who took her in the ambulance wore the necessary equipment to handle these types of patients, but when they arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses who received her only had cloth mouth covers, putting their health at risk.
Questioned about the lack of training for General Hospital personnel, the head of the Ministry of Health in Baja California, Alonso Pérez Rico, assured that they did teach courses focused on personal protection, but they were not compulsory and some employees did not attend. They will retrain them because operational definitions are constantly changing.
"In the State we have given 24 thousand trainings in general in these six weeks, to know how many are going to the General Hospital of Tijuana, I would have to consult with the epidemiologist, but I invite those who have not been trained to come to the Epidemiology area to train them, ”said Pérez Rico.
Both Pérez Rico and the general director of Social Security, Zoé Robledo Aburto, have reported that they have the necessary supplies to attend the first stage of the contingency, but they will only be delivered to certain personnel.
Baja California does have them, but not all employees will receive them, since they will be delivered according to the level of exposure they will have with COVID-19 patients, “to avoid misusing the material due to fear and misinformation that could exist ”.
While Robledo Aburto had to go out and give a message to IMSS personnel, after ten demonstrations were held in different states of the Republic, demanding protective equipment for health personnel.
He contradicted the protesters and assured that since before the WHO declared Phase 2 they were already working on the delivery of supplies to the different delegations.
"We must prioritize those places where our battle will begin, such as the metropolitan area of Mexico City and those states where there are the largest number of confirmed cases," taking into account that BC is in place 8 and there are no deaths, for which delivery will not be immediate.
He also stressed that the Ministry of Finance made a consolidated purchase of supplies for all medical institutions, "all the material we have and will increase, will have the receipt of the Mexican Army in the 37 delegational warehouses and in the central warehouse in Vallejo, and the Sedena (Ministry of National Defense) will support the IMSS in the matter of distribution, ”confirmed the federal official.
On March 24, the national call for the hiring of doctors and nurses, especially specialists in the epidemiological area and internists, was launched, as there is also a need for staff.
Alonso Pérez Rico indicated that Army and Navy doctors will work hand in hand with Isesalud in the event of a contingency, since their hospitals are not suitable for managing patients suffering from COVID-19.
He also invited volunteer doctors who want to help during the looming crisis for the next three weeks. The idea is to integrate a census of health personnel for the time that is required.
Currently more than a thousand people work at the General Hospital, a figure that could be insufficient if the necessary measures are not taken.
Regarding the 10 billion pesos corresponding to the two-month periods from April to June that the Ministry of Finance announced that it advanced to the Health Institute for Welfare, Secretary Pérez Rico declared that he does not know, because the meetings with the Federation are still ongoing. , to determine how much money Baja California will have.
Although this resource will not be additional, but an advance of the contributions, he recognized that it will not be an inconvenience for the future, once the contingency passes, because the Federation is committed to providing additional support to the states if necessary once that justify the operating expenses during the following months.
Currently they are at 67% of supply of medicines and 100% in pediatric oncological medicine, in addition to the fact that the Health Sector has enough medicine to attend to the symptoms that "infected patients present".
Of the recently created Control Committee of COVID-19, he said that it was an initiative of Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez to make centralized decisions on the destination and organization of human and material resources. It will be made up of military authorities, the Health Secretariat, the Federal Government delegation in Baja California and some additional secretariats such as the Welfare Secretariat.
The Army's participation is to implement Plan DN-III and protect the food and medicine supplies that are strategically concentrated.
Shelters restrict new entries to prevent coronavirus infections
The National Institute of Migration (INM) announced that in the eight land access points to Baja California, as well as in the Comprehensive Centers for Attention to Migrants in Tijuana and Mexicali, the protocol for receiving repatriated migrants includes a medical check-up to detect if they are infected with the coronavirus.
However, the various migrant shelters in Tijuana and Mexicali have not been trained regarding the protocol, nor has the Ministry of Health informed them how to handle suspected or confirmed cases.
Paulina Olvera, director of Espacio Migrante in Tijuana, commented that they developed a plan to prevent infections inside the shelter, where about 40 people live, mostly families waiting to receive asylum in the United States.
“They announced that there will no longer be hearings for those seeking asylum, and we think the shelters will not have enough space to serve these people when COVID-19 cases worsen. We do not have the resources or capacity to isolate someone, in Mexico there is no plan to care for people who are returned to this health crisis, ”he lamented.
For his part, José Moreno Mena, who chairs the Pro Migrant Defense Coalition, explained that there was an approach with the Ministry of Health after they issued a statement demanding preventive measures against the risk posed by the COVID-19 virus, but apart from the talk , did not receive any work plan to attend to coronavirus-related emergencies. They were only given a telephone number to receive information and resolve doubts, which they have called without receiving a response.
On Wednesday, March 18, after US President Donald Trump announced that those in the process of applying for asylum would be deported to Mexico, the delegate of the Federal Government in Baja California, Jesús Ruiz Uribe, declared that from Friday 20 to Monday 23 March they registered an average of 60 deportations and repatriations, and about 50 express expulsions; less than they were observing in previous weeks, when they received up to 500 people.
Government already resents COVID-2019
In addition to three state cabinet officials in isolation for suffering from a coronavirus, according to Baja California Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez at his last morning conference on Thursday, March 26, three other members of various government agencies are under guard by confirmation or by suspected COVID-19.
Three new reports have been mentioned in Mexicali, which would represent an alert for the authorities. The first, from a former commander of the State Ministerial Police, now the State Investigation Agency, who vacationed in Los Angeles, California two weeks ago, accompanied by his wife.
The agent close to former attorney Christian Colosio Lule, was on vacation when his condition was discovered, so the contact he had with other colleagues in the corporation was reduced. However, they had to take isolation measures in some of them awaiting confirmation.
Deputy Jorge García Alcibíades, who with that closeness spoke with the national leader of the Citizen Movement, Dante Delgado, and the former rector of the UABC, Alejandro Mungaray (they say they want him as a candidate), before celebrating on March 14 in Mexicali, your daughter's wedding. Act in which he received hundreds of people
The second case was formally disclosed on Wednesday 25, that of the federal deputy Jorge García Alcibíades, of the Citizen Movement, who was positive for the coronavirus, according to the political body, who requested that all persons who had contact with the 10 to March 12 at the work meetings in which García participated, take the appropriate care. He is under care at his home in Mexico City.
The same night, the Mexicali City Council had to re-analyze its protocols in a case that disrupted the close circle of Mayor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda. This is a first-rate official from the Public Relations area of the City Council, who was sent to isolation for coronavirus symptoms, as was her entire team.
On Thursday, March 26, the Mexicali City Council announced that the security measures against the coronavirus, which has Mexico in Phase 2, will be strengthened. Among the new measures, is to close access to municipal offices, except in procedures that require urgent attention, in addition to maintaining health filters in all properties.
Similarly, citizens were asked to refrain from going out as far as possible, especially in houses where there are older adults, pregnant women, children and anyone with conditions such as diabetes, cancer and hypertension. Angela Torres Lozano "
National stats:
Suman 29 Decesos por COVID-19 en Mexico, Hay 1,215 Casos Confirmados
Por, Carlos Alvarez
"In Mexico, up to March 31, there are 29 deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus. Of these deaths, 10 percent women and 90 percent men, while the median age of people who died is 56 years.
José Luis Alomía Zegarra, General Director of Epidemiology, of the Ministry of Health (SSa) of the Federal Government, indicated that the highest number of deaths is in Mexico City, with 8; while Hidalgo, Jalisco and Sinaloa, with 3 each entity, and San Luis Potosí, with 2.
The federal official indicated that so far, there are 1,215 confirmed cases, 2,511 suspects and 6,282 cases that have been negative. Of these, 42 percent are women and 58 percent are men, while the average age is 42 years.
Of these cases, 16 percent of the patients are hospitalized and 84 percent are on an outpatient basis. As for the comorbidities that affect those infected by the virus, hypertension continues to lead, with 55.17 percent.
-Information in development… (Developing story...) "
Prior to that report, Carlos summarizes the "obstinacy" of AMLO in dealing with the virus:
Una Crisis Sin Respaldo
Por, Carlos Alvarez
Update/edit 04/01/20 around 8PM:
The Nationwide count has risen to 1,378 infected:
Mexico Registra 37 Fallecidos por el COVID-19
In the last 24 hours , in Mexico there were eight deaths from coronaviruses , totaling 37 victims, health authorities reported on the afternoon of this Wednesday, April 1.
In the country, 1,378 cases have been confirmed, 3,827 suspects are being investigated and 7,073 have been ruled out.
The 37 people who have died from COVID-19 suffered from diabetes, hypertension or obesity, said José Luis Alomía Zegarra, general director of Epidemiology, from the National Palace.
"We have to stay home. If we all stay in our house, we will reduce the transmission speed. We will thus have a more manageable epidemic, "added Hugo López Gatell, Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion.
"The measures are aimed at very intensive mitigation. With health security measures we are reducing the mobility of 70 million people, "he added.
Just before the press conference, and after the inauguration of the Tlaxiaco hospital in Oaxaca, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, called on all the country's medical personnel to surrender to the noble cause of saving lives in front of the pandemic.
At the afternoon conference, the COVID-19MX application for mobile devices was also presented, which, according to what they pointed out, will help to guide the symptoms of coronavirus and will facilitate contact with the Ministry of Health.
APP coverage will be nationwide and will be available to Androind. They explained that soon they will do it for iOS."
To download it enter here: cutt.ly/covid19mx.
With information from SinEmbargo
end edit.
We will be keeping an eye on the situation.